Deposition of John Slater
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 06:38 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 38v
[The original of this copy is not in the collection]
<+ 26 Exw Hand> John Slater of Hacketstowne in the County of Catherlagh Taylor: duly sworne & examined deposeth That on or about the viijth day of November last past (hee being threatened by the Rebells in those parts) was forced to fly for refuge towardes Dublin & lost his howse att Hacketstowne
fol. 39r
Hacketstowne In which howse & about the same he was deprived of his goodes & chattells worth in all ffowrscore and three poundes sterl And further saith he hath beene credibly informed That Cahir Duffe Richard Kelly and Morrice Birne of Hacketstowne aforesaid, were in possession of the deponentes howse: But afterwardes were putt out of the said howse by one Edmund Lalor of Hacketstowne aforesaid whoe did fynd out the goodes of this deponent, and tooke them to his owne vse, as he is credibly informed
And he likewise sayth That one William Baily of Hacketstown aforesaid (whoe formerly was an Englishe protestant, is nowe revolted and gone to Masse, as he is credibly informed
Jur 4o Aprilis 1642 coram
William Hitchcock & Hen: Brereton