Examination of John Smithe
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fol. 222r
19 Januarij: 1641
<M> John Smithe of ffinglasse in the Countie of Dubline yeoman duelie sworne & examined by vertue of his oath sayth that in the time of this presente rebellion (vizt): from the seconde of December laste vntill the 15th: he loste worth 30 li. of corne & haye which was thrashed & carried awaye by Lawrence Rainepres t e & James Loung of Abatestowne the rebelles then lyng in finglasse and there aboute: Also aboute the same time was taken from this deponent an Englishe boore & an Englishe sowe greate in farrowe worth 50 s. Also aboute the same time was taken from this Deponent 6: cowes worth 3 li. 6 s. 8 d. a peece: by the said rebelles Also when ffinglasse was burnte, there was a house of this deponents burned: for which this deponent paid 3 li. 10 s. fine & 3 li. yearlie rente for 21: yeares to come <N> Also aboute the same time was taken from this deponent in all manner of houshold stuffe to the value of 30 li. by the said rebelles: Also about the same time was taken from this deponent newe timber strawe & winter fewell to the value of 5 li. by the sayd rebbells
All which Losses amounteth to: 91 li.
<O> Also this deponent helde 4: acres of lande & a house from mr Caddell of the moretowne in the parishe of Swords: Also this deponent helde an other house from mr Dillon of Huntstowne in the Countie of Meathe Dubline which houses were burned in Swords: out of which houses & lande this deponent had 3 li. yearlie encrease of rente lefte him by his brother valentine Smith for 50: yeares vnexpired
The benefitte of which this Deponent hath vtterlie loste:
Wm: Ryves
<P> And the sayd Jo: Smith further sayth vpon his oath that Richard Long of Abbotstowne and on Frind of Dunsinck ar both gonn from theire howses and have left great store of Hay and corne and grayne of all sorts behind them: And hath driven all their cattell to the rebells
Wm: Ryves
fol. 222v
fol. 223r
fol. 223v
19 Januar 1641
A noate of John
Smythes Losses by
the Rebbelles