Deposition of Thomas Bird
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 01:00 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 225v
[The original of the following copy is not in the collection]
<5 Exw> Tho: Bird of Christchurche yard within the Cittie of dublin merchant sworne and examined deposeth & sayth That since the begining of the presente Rebellion, and by meanes thereof: he is and hath beene forcibly robbed expelled or otherwise dispoiled of his goodes at Dunneny in the Countie of Kilkenny to the value following vizt sheepe worth Clx li. hoggs and Calves iij li. And in his interest in the leas of the said landes of Dunneny aforesaid which before the Rebellion was wo rth five hund reth poundes & was then offered soe much for the Same which he refused and now since the Rebellion began it is esteemed worth nothinge And that he this deponent was soe expelled & dispoyled of the said goodes (as he is credibly informed) by Art mc Brian Cavenaghe of Ballylahan in the said County of Catherlaghe Robert oge Everson of Sleaguffe in the foresaid County Walter Butler of Poulstowne and Peirce Butler of Oldmonetoun both in the said County of Kilkenny with divers others whoe are nowe out in Rebellion All of them being neighbours and Inhabiting next vnto dunneny aforesaid (as he is likewise informed all his losses comeing to the sum m of one thowsand one hundred sixty poundes And alsoe that on or about the first day of december last hee was expelled and dispoyled of his possession interest & estate in some part of the landes of ould laughlin and Laughlinbridge in the Countie of catherlagh & of some tythes in the Countie of Wicklow to his damage of Clx li. And that he is likewise by meanes of the presente rebellion dampnified in his seuera ll estates at dunmucky & Temple oge in the County of dublin CCxx li. And he further deposeth that there are seuerall debts due vnto him fom seuerall persons which in this kingdom of Ireland which he giveth for lost, by reason that some of the said debtors are now in actuall Rebellion as hee is informed & the rest soe robbed and dispojled by the Rebells that they are altogether disabled to satisfy him Soe that all the deponentes losses, by meanes of the present rebellion amounteth vnto the sume of one thowsand one hundreth and Sixty powndes ffowreteene shillings sterJur xxiijo Marty
cora Hen: Brereton & William Aldrich