Examination of Richard Dunn
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fol. 220r
The Examination of Richard Dunn taken before mee the viith day of January 1641 by directions from the right honnorable the Lords Justices & Councell.
<Z> Who beeing sworne & Examined, saith, that hee beeing servant vnto one Mr Thomas Kent, who dwelt neare vnto ChappellIsold, & beeing entrusted by him, to convey certaine Goodes of his Maisters vnto some safe place. And to that purpose his said Master haueing left in his Custodie a Mare, which without his privitie was made vse of by a Brother of this Examinants vnto Rathcoole. And in his returne his said Brother was mett by <A> one Jenkin Armestrong of Sagard, who (with others of Captaine Thomas Scurlocks companie) tooke away the said Mare. Vpon notice whereof this Examinant conceiueing that hee might by entreatie haue regained the said Mare: Hee repaired vnto Newcastle, and makeing search for the said Mare there, One Richard Nowland (a person of great wealth in the said Towne) caused certaine persons to take hold of this Examinant And required the Constable <B.> to keepe him this Examinant in Boults, which was accordinglie done by the Cunstable: And soe this Examinant continued from Tuesday vntill Thursday Evening. Att which tyme the said Captaine Scurlock came vnto the said Towne of Newcastle: And this
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<C> Examinant beeing brought before him, & att the same instant the said Captaine receiueing a Letter from one Lawrance Duffe of this Cyttie, whereby was signified, that the English Armie was to bee att Newcastle that very night, & there to burne & spoile the said Towne. The said Captaine was therevpon soe enraged, as hee swore the Examinant should bee (for the Example of others) hanged the next morneing in regard hee came but to spie & prepare the way for the Army, that was to come. <D> Wherevpon the Examinant perceiueing what was like to befall him, thought vpon makeing of an escape: And att that tyme there beeing a complaint made against the Cunstable, who had charge of this Examinant, and the roome att that tyme beeing pestered with Souldiers; The Examinant stole out of doores and soe shifted for himselfe in the night tyme, as hee came safelie home. And this Examinant beeing likewise demaunded what other <E> persons had command & power in the said Towne or thereabouts, besides the said Captaine Thomas Scurlock, saith, that Martin Scurlock eldest sonn vnto Mr Patrick Scurlock is now rayseing a Companie, & presseth those who are serue him. And hee this Examinant further saith that Charles Hetherington, sometymes one of the Vicethreasurers
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<F> Troope hath (as is said there) Marshall law from the Rebells.
Rob Meredith
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7 Januar 1641
The Examination
of Richard Dunn
Lawrence Duff &