Examination of Hannyball Bagnall
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fol. 229v
The Examination of Capteyne Hannyball Bagnall taken by me the day & yeare aforesaid by uertue of the foresaid order
<G> the said Examinant saith that Nicholas Ardagh toulde him about did speake in this Examinants hearinge about ten dayes sence in a tauerne that Robert Worrell clerke did say that the Earle of ormond had notice of the present conspiracie and that his troupers were rebells and that the Examinan{t} had witnesses to proue that Robert Worrell did speake the said wordes wherevpon this Examinant did wille the said Ardagh to acquainte the Earle of ormonde therewith for and if he woulde not that he must for he must not heard wordes of that nature spoken of his generall & pass them ouer But he denyeth that the said Ardagh did desire this Examinant to acqu a int { } the Earle of ormon{d} therewith but he said that himselfe woulde acquainte his Lordship with it
Hanniball Bagnall
(endorsement on
fol. 229v
, in margin of examination of Nicholas Ardaghe)