Examination of George Stockdale
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Dwiggin Mr Walter Baskervill with diuerse other gentlemen of note & Quallitie beeing then att a place called the Grange neare vnto the said BurrowsCastle where they sate in Councell in what manner they might take the said Castle of Burr & if they could not take itt within such a tyme that then they would leaue 500 men to beleaguer & starue them out And the rest they would send to Mr Roger Moore to assist him against the English Army about Dublin which they did likewise send vnder the commaund of fflorence ffitzPatrick aforesaid And this Examinant further saith that about two or three daies after hee this Examinant comeing through Ossorie aforesaid together with one Brandon Connor a ffranciscan ffryer heeretofore a Schoolfellow of this Examinants and others in his companie they came to one Mr Woodrages house neare vnto Mountrath & then in the possession of an Irish gent whom hee this Examinant doth not remember, where they mett with Mr Brian Dempsie & three or ffoure more of the Dempsies with many others of theire followers who mett vs there of purpose to see vs conducted by the ffort of Lease into the Countie of Kildare to the Naas where they mett with Sir Robert Talbott Christopher Eustace of Newland Thomas ffitzGerrald Esquire Eustace of CastleMartin with diuerse others of Quallitie Commanders & gentlemen of the Country who came thither to raise men to oppose the English Armie about Dublin & to ioyne with Rorie Moores fforces
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And this Examinant alsoe saith that from thence they went to three Castles where one Mr Art Cavanagh dwells of purpose to meete with Rorie ô Moore But the said Rorie was gone into the Countie of Wexford to meete with Sir Morgan Cavanagh and to bring 1500 men with them to come to Guarrison att the Naas & Rathcoole And the said Art told Cavanagh told this deponent that Lewis Moore Brother vnto the said Rorie Moore was gone into the Countie of Wickloe to fetch vpp the Birnes & the Tooles to ioyne with Rorie ô Moore & Sir Morgan Cavanagh & then they of the English Pale would all ioyne in one bodie together against the Protestants & they should bee furnished still dailie with fresh supplies out of Clonmalerie The Dunns Countrie fferrall Elie o Carrall Ossorie & other Countries And that they had by authoritie appointed Comissioners for the pressing of men to supplie their fforces aforesaid in each of the said Countries And this Examinant likewise saith that the said Art Cavanagh shewed vnto him this Examinant where hee had satt vpp a Gibbet to hang one of the Lord Parsons men which hee did accordinglie saying withall that ere long hee hoped hee should cause a Gibbet to bee set vpp att the high Crosse of Dublin to h{ang} the said Sir William Parsons himselfe & his brother Lord Justice with diuerse other traiterous languages which hee this Examinant cannot att this tyme well remember And this Examinant further saith that {hee}
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hee had not beene aboue three or ffoure daies with the said Art Cavanagh but there came Sir Phelim ô Neales man thither with Letters to Rorie o Moore desireing him the said Rorie to bring all his fforces with him to helpe to take Drogheda And that as soone as hee had done there hee would come and aid the said Rorie ô Moore to take in Dublin & setle him in his place of Justiceshipp The said Rory beeing then elected by the Gentrie <[J]> of Leinster to bee Lord Deputie of Ireland, soe as this Examinant vnderstanding the cause of the said Sir Phelims mans buisenes went to a place called Merlington where one Mr Draycott liueth neare Drogheda, & there hee saw Sir Phelim ô Neile Collonell Pluncket Mr Maguire Mr Relie and diuerse other gentlemen whom hee this Examinant did not know where likewis hee this Examinant heard the said Sir Phelim o Neale often sweare God damne him & sinck him if euer hee would raise his Seidge from about Drogheda till hee would starue them all out which att that tyme hee hoped hee should doe ere itt were long And this Examinant further saith hee heard Mr Maguire say & sweare by his Saviour Jesus Christ that hee would neuer leaue Drogheda till hee had eaten Sir Henrie Titchbornes heart broyled on the Coales, & that euery one of his Souldiers should eate a Protestants heart whether they were men women or Children And as for the Lord Moore & Captaine Moore hee would hang draw & Quarter them both And saith that after hee this Examinant had beene there a while hee retreated back towards the Naas where hee saw diuerse fforces drawn
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drawne thither & left by Rorie ô Moore vnder the command of Collonell Garrat Talbott & Collonell Eustace & other Commanders whose names this Examinant cannot remember And this Examinant further saith that hee went from th{e} Naas to Kildare where hee mett with Rorie ô Moore Collonell Moore Birne Lewis Dempsie Peeter Sarsfeild & Thomas ffitz Garrald with diuerse others of the ô Connors in the Country there adioyneing where they had a great meeteing for collecting of monies to pay the Irish Armie withall But how & vpon what tearmes they agreed hee this Examinant knoweth not But saith that vpon the breakeing vpp of theire Assemblie att that tyme, the Earle of Antrim beeing then with the Earle of Castlehauen att a place calle Maddinstowne within two myles of Kildare sent one of his gentlemen for Rorie o Moore to come vnto him but about what buisenes hee this Examinant knoweth not And demanding of the said ffranciscan ffryer (then in this Examinants Companie who alsoe went along with the said Rorie ô Moore to the said Earle of Antrim) what buisenes the said Earle had with the said Rorie o Moore the said ffryer told him this Examinant that the said Earle compleyned to the said Moore that certaine of his Souldiers had stolen some of his the said Earles sheepe And this Examinant further askeing of the said ffryer what other passages past betwixt the said Earle & the said Rorie The said ffryer made answeare that there were diuerse passages betwixt them & very merry they were for an houre or two att Maddinstowne aforesaid An{d} that vpon the said Rories comeing awaie the said Earle of Antrim did wayte vpon him the said Rorie
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Moore to the doore of the Chamber hall where they were in & tooke the said Rorie by the hand sweareing a great oath hee did wish the said Rorie much happines in the enterprise which hee had vndertaken And all that tyme swore hee would haue beene as forward as any other had hee had those which would haue taken his part But for his owne particuler all or most of his Tennants were Scottish and not to bee trusted in this disigne And diuerse other words and passages betwixt them att that tyme the said ffryer related vnto him this Examinant which for the present hee cannot well remember And this Examinant further saith that presently after which passages as aforesaid the said Rorie Moore returned to Peeter Sarsfeilds of Tullagh that night where hee this Examinant had some conference with the said Rorie o Moore promiseing the said Rorie that hee this Examinant would doe him any seruice which should lie in his power, & to that end this Examinant told him hee came to tender his seruice vnto him the said Rorie Wherevpon the said Rorie Moore granted vnto him this Examinant a Licence and passe for his Quiet liueing in the Countrie as alsoe for restitution of his Losses and Goodes which hee had formerly lost with a Comission to bee an officer in Elie ô Carroll And further vpon request granted vnto him this Examinant the like warrant for and on the behalfe of one Richard Grace of Moyelly both which beeing obteyned this Examinant made what hast and speede hee could homewards to a place called Ballymonin where the said Richard Grace expected his this deponents comeing And after the said Grace and hee this Examinant had mett this
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Examinant went straight to Birr to acquaint Mr Parsons with the proceedings as aforesaid And the said Grace came straight to Dublin to acquaint Sir Charles Coote therewith not feareing any Enemie att which tyme hee had Rorie o Moores passe for his secure trauaileing beeing then the Lord Deputie elected by the Irish Rebells & Gennerall of the fforces of Leinster And this Examinant further saith that a litle before his comeing to Ballymonyn as aforesaid hee came in Companie with the aforesaid Brandon Connor the ffryer to the house of one Barnaby Dun of Brittas in the Queenes Countie with some directions from Rorie o Moor{e} which as hee this Examinant conceiueth was that hee the said Barnaby Dun should subscribe to the wicked plotts of the Irish Rebells intentions and rise in Armes with them against the Protestants And there the said ffyer counterfeited himselfe to bee one Captaine Moore a Cosen of Rorie Moores But this Examinant told the said Barnabie Duns wife that hee was a ffryer and wishe{d} her to tell her husband soe much in priuate and not to beleiue any thing the said ffryer should enforme them of which hee this Examinant durst not haue revealed had hee not knowne the said Barnabie and his wife to bee good Protestants and true Subiects and had not risen or done any hurt thing by himselfe or any of his to this depo Examinants knowledge against any of the English Protestants But as this Examinant heard did releiue diuerse and sundrie of the poore English Protestants And likewise saith that hee this Examinant left the said Brandon Connor there in the Company of the said Barnaby Dunn & one Captaine Donnell Dunn
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an Irish Rebell But what passages further passed betwixt them hee this Examinant knoweth not not And this Examinant further saith that hee demanding of the said ffyer wher the Comission was which the Irish reported they had from the king of England for there riseing Robbing and killing of the English (haueing a litle before demanded a sight thereof from Rorie o Moore who made answeare that hee had sent itt to Sir Phelim o Neale to encourage the Irish in the North) hee the said ffryer made answeare and told this Examinant that although they had noe Comission as yet they had Agents in England which did labour hard for the same and made noe Question but the same ere itt were long would bee brought ouer to giue further satisfaction to the Irish Gentry in Generall And this Examinant further demanding of the said Brandon the ffryer who were the Irish Agents in England the said ffryer made answeare that one Thomas Bourke did daily solicite there with others whom the said ffryer did not name but that they had sent ouer to second them the Lord Dillon & Theobald Taaffe who they did expect suddenly back againe And this Examinant alsoe saith that the next day after his returne from Rorie Moore beeing in companie with Teige Carroll of Aghagint att a place called Roscumcoe in the Kings Countie There came in one Donnell Carroll a Captaine of the Rebells & bidd the said Teig and him this Examinant wellcome home askeing them what newes they had brought from his Gennerall Rorie Moore wherevpon this Examinant made answeare that hee would tell him newes which was that the said Teige Carrall had gotten a grant
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from the said Rorie for diuerse of the plantation Landes in Elie o Carroll aforesaid And this deponent further told the said Captaine Donnell that hee might doe well to goe to Rorie Moore to procure the like, wherevpon the said Captaine Donnell said hee would neuer desire any Land in Ireland But hoped ere itt were long to haue his proportion of Lande within fiue myles of London in England or els hee was very much misenformed of the disigne they had vndertaken, ffor hee made noe doubt & soe hee said hee was enformed that they should want noe helpe or assistance from the Catholique Princes beyond Seas in the iust cause they had vndertaken And this Examinant further saith that hee beeing in further discourse with the aforesaid Brandon the ffryer concerning Shipping hee the said ffryer made answeare vnto this Examinant that had itt not beene for the vnluckie Hollander the kingdome of Ireland And the vndertakers and Confedates Confederates of the Irish Catholique warr had wanted neyther Shipping Officers, nor Ammunition or any manner of Artillerie belonging to warr And this Examinant further asking the said ffryer which waie could they bee furnished to fight against England or against the English hee the said ffryer answeared That the Spanish ffleete which was lately driuen by the Hollander into the Downes of England were comeing for Ireland the one halfe to bee Landed att Kinsale in the West of Ireland and the other halfe att Killabeggs in the North And this Examinant (beeing very famillier with him the said ffryer they haueing both beene scholefellowes together as aforesaid) likwise demanded of the said ffryer how hee did know whether the said ffleete
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did intend to goe, made answeare hee heard of such an intention before but was not verie certaine till hee had receiued a Letter from a brother ffryer of his who liued att Madrill in Spaine who alsoe was one of the nine ffryers that were imployed in beha those partes in the behalfe of the Greiuances of the Irish and English Catholiques, hee the said Brandon the ffryer liueing then att Rome, beeing there in like manner imployed as hee the said Brandon told him this Examinant And this Examinant further saith that hee heard the said Brandon Connor the ffryer further say that hee the said was one of the nine ffryers sent from beyond Seas to some Irish Catholique gentlemen of the Parliament in Ireland to ioyne with them in the raiseing of these Commotions & rebellions in Ireland And the said Brandon further said that if they the said ffryers did not make hast while the Parliament was together in Dublin Itt would bee feared the Plott would bee revealed by beeing farr carried into seuerall remote partes of the kingdome of Ireland in regard some principall gentlemen had a hand therein which were att that tyme in Dublin whom this Examinant could not heare the said ffryer name And likewise saith that hee this Examinant saw the said Rory Moore grant diuerse Comissions & warrants but neuer saw him the said Rorie vse the name or pretend the authoritie of his Maiesty in any of them or from any other Commander who tooke vpon him to haue had any authoritie to grant the like the vsuall ground & coullour beeing for the Catholique Cause
<*> And lastly this Examinant saith that hee heard diuerse of the Cheife of the Rebells say that if they had but killed the English when they pillaged them they had knocked
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the naile right on the head And heard them saie further that they would not leaue a Protestant aliue in the Kingdome vnlesse they would take part with them meaneing the Rebells aforesaid & bee of the same Religion they were of.
Geo: Stockdale
Rob Meredith
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The Examination of
George Stockdale