Deposition of John Arthur
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:54 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 125r
<1) D [ ] t > John Arthur being of Dromloghane yeoman being duely sworne sayeth that on or about the Moneth <A> of March in the yeare 1641 this deponent hearing that one Gullopatricke o Durane was apprehended as an Enemye to then to then Irish Gouernment and the said Durane being the deponents ffosterer this deponent being an Inhabitant of this Cittie of Lymericke made his Applicaion to the chiefest men of the Cittie for to gett some Letters in the behalfe of the said Durane which he hath accordingly procured and the said Letters were directed to the Lord of Castle Connell and John Lacy to fauour the said Durane and that before the letter was conveyed to them the said Durane was executed wherevpon this said deponent himselfe went to the said John Lacy for his Cowes that the said Durane had from him, which together with the rest of the Goods of the said Durane were seized vpon by some of the said Lacy his partie, and desired him that the said Cowes should be restored being vnto this deponent for that the Cowes did not properly belong to the said Durane but that this deponent gaue him the said Cowes for fostring his Childe wherevpon the said Lacy Answered this deponent that in Case he did swere <B> that the Cowes were properly his owne the Cowes should be restored vnto him, but if they were the said Durans Cowes that they were forfeitedd as traytors and felons Good{s} and felons And this deponent being not able to swere his owne propertie in the Cowes in reguard he gaue them with his Child to the said Durane he gott noe restitucion of the said Cowes; And further this deponent tould the said Lacy that if the Cowes were not restored his Child was like to starue and the said Lacy answered that if this deponent did feare that should come to passe soe he wished him to prouide for his Child else where otherwise
John [mark] Arthur
his marke
fol. 125v
3[ ] 338
fol. 126r
339Frances Jackson of Broffe
fol. 126v
This man is present
Lacy seized on the Cowes of
Patr: o Doran & kept them
after the execution
The Exam: of John
[rieul al] purpose