Examination of Art O Boyle
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=836184r088] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:49 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 184r
The Examinacion of Art ô Boyle of Castle Towne Cooly Taken before vs the 18th of Janu: 1652, Concerning John Babe of Carlingford
who being duly sworne vppon and examined deposeth as followeth (vizt)
<A> That hee Knoweth John Babe, and hath known him since befor the Rebellion, And that the said Ba k Babe lived in Carlingford at the begining of the Rebellion, And as the Examinant hath bene enformed was Then Marshall to the Irish, being demanded the reason of his Knowledge hee answered, it was the generall Report of the Countrey but being asked whoe by particuler name told him soe hee sayd sayth that hee cannott remember, A nd being asked the question whether the said John Babe at the begining of the Reb ellion did come to one { } house [ ] this Examinants house <B> A He further deposeth that about the begining of the Rebellion the said John Babe came to the Examinants house being three miles from Carlingford, and (as the Examinant was tould by his wife) the said Babe enquired from Hugh Hoper an Englishman father in Law to this Examinant And was answered by this Examinants wife as she told this Examinant afterwards that she told Babe the said Hoper was in bedd
fol. 184v
and that thervppon the said Babe went to the bedsyde, and wished the said Hooper to <C> stand vpp that he might see him, which the sayd Hooper did, whervppon the said Babe desired him to lye downe againe, and soe departed, without dooing the said Hooper or any other in the house any hurt,
But sayth that some in Babes Company did Did take away a Cow and a Mare belonging to the said Hooper And hee further sayth that the said Babe did enquire of this Examinant uppon [ ] out of the house where the said Hoopers goods were, wherunto the Examinant Replyed the said Hooper had none,
And being asked the question whither hee did know or hath heard that the said Babe had hangd or kild any [ ] of the English he Answered hee neyther Knew, nor heard of {any}
Art O Boyll
fol. 185r
fol. 185v
The Examinacion of
Art ô Boyle
P: P.
[Note: a copy of this deposition is at
fol. 200v