Examination of Dominick Cullen
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fol. 78r
The examinacion of Dominick Cullen taken the day and yeare aforesaid
<l> Who being examined and sworne to so much as concerneth others, he confesseth that he was in the castle of Clongowes wood when the english army came before it, and that he came thither about a moneth before from Clane a mile off after when that towne was burnt by the english army, He confesseth that he went out with the rest of the company towards the englishman <Geo. barnewell> when he was robbed & murdered but denieth to haue had any hand in the k murder or robbory of him, and saieth that principall actors in the murder (who were James Barnewall (who was afterwards killed at irish irish towne) and George Barnewall, and who commaunded this examinate and Thomas Holliwood to goe out with them were there likewise denieth to haue had any share of the stolne goods or to haue seene any of them when they were brought into the castle nor knoweth howe many were killed and further saieth nothing that is materiall more then formerly h is declared