Pass for Michael Doyne
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:49 PM
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fol. 121r
By the honorable Capten Arthure Chichesters and Sir Arthur{e} Tyringham knight Gouernor and Commissioners for his Maiesties present service against the Rebells
ffor as much as wee are well satisifed of the Loyalltye of Mr Michaell Doyne and that he stands well afected to his Maiesties service, and the present Gouernment of this kingdome, These therefore to sertifie all those whome it maye Concernne that wee haue Licensed him to returne homme to his house to folowe his Lawfulle occasions and there to remaine during further pleasure, and therefore wee herreby straictly charge and require all and euery his Maiesties officers and Loueing subiects as well English as Scotish to permite & suffer him his wife servants tennants; and familyes to Liue quiettly, and to possesse and enioye there Lands house goods and cattle without any there Lett trubl molestacion or hinderance. they behavinge them selfes as dutifull & lojall subiects and if theare be any that thincke (or can make it Manyfest They haue suffered wronge or any detirment by him or his people wee heareby prey them to rest Contented assuringe them wee will see them righted in due tyme wheareof they nor any of them are to failie as they will answer the Contrarye at their vtmost perill giuen at Carrickfergus this 13th day of Nouember 1641
Arthour ChichesterThomas A rthour Tyrhingham
fol. 121v
fol. 122r
fol. 122v