Declaration of the Lords gentry of Leinster and Munster

Collection: Other Depositions

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:40 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-03-25
Identifier: 840023r010


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Misc
Deposition Type: Miscellaneous
Nature of Deposition: Words
Commissioners: Mathew Barry
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 23r


A Declaration of the lords gentry & others of the Provinces of Linster and Mounster of the{ir} intentions towards the English and Scottish Protestants inhabitants in this Kingdo{me}
Whereas wee are informed that it is Generally conceaued and beleeued by the English and Scotts Protestants inhabitants of this Kingdome that wee the llords gentrie and others of the said Provinces haue taken Armes and raiesed forces for the bannishing extirpateing them out of this Kingdome thereby to acquire to our selues theire our g[ ] anes Estates Wee therefore desire that wee may bee rightly vnderstood for wee heere by declare that wee Never intended nor consented not never entend nor will consent to any Such Act but doe vtterly disclaime therein but that each man knowen to bee A moderat ands conformable Protestant may aswell as the Roman Catholicks respectiuely enjoy the freedome of theire owne Religion and peaceably and quietly possesse theire estates soe farr forth as they or any of them shall p[ ] with ours in Doeing and performing the contents of the oath following-
I.A.B: doe in the presence of Almighty God and all the Angells and Saints in heaven an by the contents of this Bible promise vow swere and protest to beare faith and true allegeance to our Soveraigne to King Charles and the heires and successors of his body begotten and will defend him and them as farr as I may with my life power and Estate against all persons as shall attempt any thing against his or theire royall persons honnours Estates or Dignityes and that I will with you exposeing of my life power and Estate joyne with the Irish Army or any other to recover vnto his Majestie his royall prerogatiue forcibly wrested from him by the puritan faction in the howses of Parliament of England and to maintaine the same against them and all others that shall directly or indirectly endeavour to suppresse it, or doe any Act or Acts contrary to regall Government and also to maintaine Episcopall, Jurisdicion and the Lawfullnes thereof in the Church; the power and privileges of prelates and the Lawfull rightes and privileges of the Subject And that I will doe noe Act or thing Directly or indirectly to hinder the free and publicqs exercise of the Catholicke Roman Religion in any of his Majesties Dominions and that I will joine with and bee Assisting to the members of this Commonwealth for redresse to bee had of the Greevances and presures thereof, in such Manner and forme as shall bee thought fitt by a Lawfull Parliament and to my power and a farr as I may, I will oppose, and by allwaies and meanes endeavour to bring to condigne punishment to the losse of life liberty and Estates all such, as

fol. 23v

Shall either by force, practise consailes plotts conspiracies or otherwise doe or Attempt any thing to the contrary of Any Article clause or thing in this present oath vow and protestacion contained, and neither for hope hope of rewards nor feares of punishment not other respect whatsoever I shall I shall relinquish this oath vow and protestacion soe helpe me God &c.
This inclosed in the L: Mountgarratts letter to the Earle of Ormond dated
25 March 1642
Exr per Ma: Barry

fol. 24r

fol. 24v

Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: King Charles, L: Mountgarratt, Earle of Ormond
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned