Examination of Henrie Neale

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=813093r074] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:39 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1643-01-04
Identifier: 813093r074


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Kildare
Deposition Type: Examination
Nature of Deposition: Robbery
Commissioners: Robert Meredith
Deposition Transcription:

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The Examination of Henrie Neale taken the 4th day of Januarie 1642 Before mee Sir Robert Meredith knight one of his Maiesties Justices of the Peace for the Countie of Kildare & Chancellour of his Maiesties Court of Exchequer By direction of the right honnorable the Lordes Justices & Councell.
Who beeing sworne & Examined saith that hee this Examinant together with about ten Musketteirs accompanied the Seriant of Sir Arthur Loftus his Companie when vpon Christmas daie att night last past they set forth from the Naas to Ballymore Eustace, notice beeing giuen vnto them that they should should finde Captaine Scurlock & his Companie att Dowdingston hard by. Wherevpon comeing within a Quarter of a mile of the said Towne of Dowdingston they suprised two of the said Captaine Scurlocks Scouts And this Examinant demanding who were in the said Mr Eustace his house att Dowdingston aforesaid, they told this Examinant & the rest, there were about six of his the said Captaine Scurlocks Companie therein, And therevpon hee the said Seriant and the rest

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of the Musketteires made towards the said Mr Eustace his house where they vnderstood the said Rebells were, & comeing to the doore desireing Mrs Eustace and the rest that were in the said house to giue them admittance Itt would not bee granted vnto them Soe as the aforesaid Seriant & the rest were forced to breake open the doores of the said house which they had noe sooner entered But there were six or seauen of the said Captaine Scurlocks Souldiers seene to escape out of the back waies of the said house whom this Examinant & the rest followed but they haueing advantage of the darknes of the night they the said Rebells got awaie, And seeing there could bee noe good done vpon them, hee the said Seriant and the rest returned back to Mr Eustace his house & demaunding of Mrs Eustace what men those were who went out of her house, she made answeare they were her owne servants, haueing formerlie told this Examinant and the rest (before they gott into her house) that they were Captaine Scurlockes men, which hee this Examinant and the rest taxing her with all, she the said Mrs Eustace said she was deceiued Wherevpon certaine of the Souldiers which came in companie with him

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this Examinant begining to take something that was in her house she therevpon wished Captaine Scurlock had been there indeede And lastly this Examinant saith that the said Mr Eustace his house is a constant place of resort for Captaine Scurlock and his Souldiers Soe as the Souldiers of the seuerall Guarrisons of the Naas Cottlandston & Harristowne can by noe meanes passe that waie without great danger & neuer dare venture without a Convoy.
Rob Meredith

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The Examination
of Henrie Neale
Eustace of Dowdingstowne

Deponent Fullname: Henrie Neale
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Soldier
Deponent County of Residence: Kildare
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Arthur Loftus, Captaine Scurlock, Mr Eustace, Mrs Eustace
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Mentioned, Rebel, Confederate, Confederate