Supporting statement by other ministers for Jones’ petition
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fol. 29v
Wee whose names are here=underwritten, Ministers in and about the Cittie of London, having received assurance from Dr Jones Agent for the distressed Ministers in Ireland; that those for whome this charitie is petitioned, are many of them well deserving, and all of them in great, necessitie; doe (from a Christian and Brotherly fellow=feeling of their sad condition) humbly give our concurrence with this petition, for the speeding of this, or such releife, as to your wisdomes shall seeme meete./
Tho: Temple
Edm: Calamy
John Sedgwick
Simeon Ash
Tho: Case
Adoniran Byfield
Ja: Cranford
Joseph Caryll
George Smith
La: Seaman
William Janeway
ffra: woodcocke
Edw: Bowles
fol. 29ar
fol. 29av