Examination of John Reade
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fol. 26r
Dublin this 22th of Martch 1641
Leftenante Collonell John Reade saythe <A> that father Talbutt, whoe a priste, was sente into flanderes, by the generall Consente of all the lordes, and gentrye of the Pale, and of the Northe, whoe ar in Rebellyon: for to procure Armes & Munitione, to be browghte transeported into Irelande, for the supplye of the Rebeles ther, He saythe that Talbott went awaye betwixte Christmas and kandlemas, laste, He sayth that Nicholas Darsye of Plattine, did make knowen the premises, unto this Examinante
<B> He further sayth that the sayde father Talbott was att Plattin after Christmas laste, towe seuerall tymes both which tymes, this Examinante did see him ther, He also sayth that the sayde father Talbott did tell him this examinante att Plattin, that the Re Intended Rebellyon of Irelande, was knowne, in flanderes longe before it was knowne in Ireland,
<C> He further sayth that Roger Moore did tell him this examinante att Plattin before Christmas laste, that the Intended Rebellyon was made knowne vnto the Cardinal Retchlewe in france, longe before it wa{s} knowne In Irelande, & that the Rebeles di{d} exspecte Armes & munitione euery daye oute o{f} france, when the winde shovlde serue
<He further sayth that the Rebellyon of Irelande, was complotted In Irelande presently after that the Northerne Army was disbanded
Fr: Willoughby>
fol. 26v
fol. 27r
fol. 27v
22 Martij 1641
Examjnation of Lieutenant Collonell Reade
taken at the rack