Examination of Stephen Dowdall

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=816028r014] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:28 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-02-23
Identifier: 816028r014


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Meath
Deposition Type: Examination
Nature of Deposition: Robbery, Confederacy
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 28r

[Note: The examination begins on

fol. 28v

<P> the Lord Netterfeild, Bath of Athcarne, Darcie of Plattin, Patrick Brimingham of the Corballies, William Malone of Lismullin, Nicholas Dowdall of Brownestown{e}, Edward Dowdall of Moncketowne, Cusack of Gerraldston, Cusack of Staffordstowne, with a great many others whom hee this Examinant cannot call to minde were on the hill of Bedlowstowne, where the said Lordes and <Q> principall of the Gentrie aforesaid were in consultation, & from thence went vnto the hill of Croftie, whether soone after came Roger Moore, Arthur ffox & Coll mcMahowne, & where alsoe the said Lords and Gentrie aforesaid, & the other parties had speach together. But what was said of eyther side, hee this Examinant heard <R> not other then by reporte. And likewise saith that about foure or fiue dayes after hee this Examinant was by appointment att annother meeteing of the said Lords and Gentrie held att Tarragh aforesaid, But what was then & there done hee knoweth not, Neyther was hee acquainted with any proceedeings of the said Lordes & Gentrie aforesaid though hee had sundrie tymes <S> accompanied his ffather in law Mr Nicholas Dowdall of Brownestowne, vnto the said meeteings. And denieth that hee accompanied his said ffather in law when hee went vnto Killsalchan, with the Earle of ffingall, And lastlie this Examinant saith that some of all the Protestants, that hee knew to bee robbed in the Countie of Meath, were soe robbed by the inhabitants of Meath aforesaid.
Stephen Dowdall

fol. 28v

The Examination of Stephen Dowdall of Gallstowne taken the xxiiiith day of March 1641, Before mee Chancelor of his Maiesties Court of Exchequer, By direction of the right honnorable the Lordes Justices & Councell.
<M:> Who beeing Examined & sworne vnto soe much of this his Examination as concerneth others, saith, that about ffoure or fiue daies before the Seidge of Drogheda hee this Examinant going a hunting from his owne house att Galston by accident went to visite his Mother, wife vnto Bartholomew Moore of Dowanstowne, hee there contrarie to Expectation found within the said house, Phillipp Relie, Roger Moore Collonell, Hugh Birne Collonell, Sir Christopher Bellew <N> knight, Arthur ffox, Bartholomew Moore, & Thomas Bellew brother vnto the said Sir Christopher; And where likewise after hee had continued halfe an houre there came vnto the said house, Edward Dowdall of Moncketowne, Lawrance Dowdall sonne vnto the said Edward, & Cusack of Gerraldstowne, where hee this Examinant left all the said parties, & returned vnto his <O> owne house. And soone after there was a meeteing of all the Lordes & Gentrie appointed to bee att Duleeke att a certaine daie limitted; But before hee this Examinant gott vnto the place aforesaid, the Lordes and Gentrie vizt the Earle of ffingall, the Lord of Gormanstowne

Deponent Fullname: Stephen Dowdall
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent County of Residence: Meath
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Phillipp Relie, Roger Moore, Hugh Birne, Christopher Bellew, Arthur ffox, Thomas Bellew, Edward Dowdall, Lawrance Dowdall, * Cusack, Earle of ffingall, Lord of Gormanstowne, Lord Netterfeild, * Bath, * Darcie, Patrick Brimingham, William Malone, Nicholas Dowdall, Edward Dowdall, * Cusack, * Cusack, Coll mcMahowne, Bartholomew Moore
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Rebel, Mentioned