Deposition of John Hopton
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 10:43 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 48v
<Exr 97 95>
John Hopton souldier sworne & examjned deposethe That the last deponent before named, vizt Goodman Walker did in this deponents presence apprehend the Rebell called Rory Duffe, as he hath formerly deposed & Committed him to the Custody of this deponent, whoe vndertooke to carry him to Marryborroughe, or to such place as If he thought fitt And this deponent intended to carry him before Sir Charles Coote by him to be delt with according to his pleasure, And this deponent haveing brought him into Marriboroghe In the company of Tho:
fol. 49r
of Tho: Barington (whoe came with him to guard the Rebell) The said Rebell was rescowed from them by one Ensigne Wall as they calld him: Whoe alledged that the said Rebell was an honest man: and then the said Ensigne did both beate and villify this deponent: divers other gentlemen being in the said Ensignes Company att that tyme vnknowne to this deponent: of which this deponent informed the Erle of Ormond: whoe said that some course should bee taken therein
Jur xijo Apr: 1642 coram Johanne Sterne Ran: Adams