Examination of Patrick Clinton
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fol. 220v
30 May 1643
<y> Patrick Clinton beeing the second time sworne and examjned saith that soone after the begining of the seege of Drogheda there was a warrant signed by the Lo: of Slane s ent directed to Sir John Netervill, which was about that time delivered to the examinant by one Jones a Collector, by which warrant it was required that their should bee
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bee sent from the towne of Dowth two beaves for every weeke or every fortnight for the relief of the Rebells Army that beseeged Drogheda as an assessment layd for that purpose on that towne, of Dowth <z> And saith that when the examinant received the said warrant hee acquainted either the said Sir John Netervill or his the said Sir Johns lady therwith, but whether of them hee acquainted therwith hee remembreth not, <a> and that whosoever of them hee acquainted therwith did consent thervnto & did direct the examinant to send two of the said Sir Johns own beaves to the said Army, and the examinant thervppon delivered two of beaves of the said Sir Johns own b eaves to the said Collector for the <b> said Rebells Army, And hee saith that hee delivered them to the said Collector because hee threatened to bring soldiers for them if hee had them not, Hee saith
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<c> saith further that, when the time limitted for that assessment was expired, and the said Collector came the second time to call for beaves, the examinant made an agreement with the said Collector that in fo liewe of the said two beaves for every weeke or <d> fortnight the said Collector should have for every weeke or fortnight during the said seege has asmuch bread baked as half a barrell of wheat could make and a barrell of beere, with which agreement soe made the examinant acquainted the said Sir John Netervills lady; who wished the examinant to doe as hee would, & wished shee were in England although shee were begging, and <e> hee saith that hee remembreth not whether or noe hee had any direccion from the said said Sir John or his lady before hee made the said agreement for making the said agreement, and hee saith that the said
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said agreement soe made by the examinant with the said Collector was duly performed and the said quantitie of bread & beere <f> duly sent accordingly from time to time Dowth from time to time during the continuance of the said seege, & somtimes it was sent by the delivered to the said Collector & somtimes sent by some of carryed by some of <g> the Rebells themselves, and somtimes by some of Sir John Netervills tenants and hee saith that all the said bread as was baked and the said beere brewed in the said Sir John Netervills <h> howse at Dowth, And hee saith that the said Sir John Netervill did knowe of the said agreement during the said seege, and of the
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the sending of the said bread & beere accordingly
Patricke Clinton
<i> Hee further saith that at one time during the continuance of the said seege there was a pye sent from Sir John Netervills howse to the some one that was said to bee sick in the Rebells campe, but by whom the said pye was sent or to whom hee knoweth not,
Patricke Clinton
Jo: Borlase
Hen: Tichborne
Ant: Midensis
Ad: Loftus
Wm: Parsons
Gerrard Lowther
Tho: Rotherham