Deposition of John Kairnes

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:11 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-02-14
Identifier: 839005r005


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Derry, Donegal & Tyrone
Deposition Type: Waring Copy
Nature of Deposition: Robbery, Lost In Debts
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 5r

Line 2, omitted: ‘a scottishman and a protestant, Aged 45 yeers or theerabouts, being duely’
Lines 4-8, replacement: ‘Hee this deponent was expelled Robbed or otherwise dispojled of the possession and proffitts of his land & other his meanes goodes & chattels worth 1222 li. 10 s of the value, & to his present Losse of one thowsand twoe hundredth twentie twoe Pownds tenn shillings ster’ instead of ‘his goods and Chattels & expelled & deprived from the proffitts of his lands following’ and the following list with amounts
Lines 10-20, replacement: ‘And besides the deponent was deprived of and by the Rebells Lost the possession and proffits of his Mannor of Kilfadd{ } & lands there vnto belonging cont 1500 acres, the purchas{ing} whereof cost: 1220 li. & worth Clx li. per annum, And of fowre townes of freehold in the barrony of Clogher vizt Clawinvor & Clonneblaagh Tullihusse Clamog{ } & a sessione of Syan worth per annum 30 li., And of the benefite of his office of Clarke of the peace within the Countie of donegall: & his place of ffeodary of the Counties of Antrim and Dunegall, which were better worth then xxx li. per annum’ instead of description of immovable goods in original
Line 21, replacement: ‘of the Rebells’ instead of ‘of the Rebells that he did knowe’
Line 23, replacement: ‘theis persons that followe vizt’ instead of ‘these persons that he knoweth’
Line 26, replacement: ‘Bane mcGuinn’ instead of ‘bane mcquire’

fol. 5v

No significant variations