Examination of Mary Baulte

Collection: Bysse Depositions

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=820044r035] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 10:25 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-06-29
Identifier: 820044r035


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Waterford
Deposition Type: Bysse
Nature of Deposition: Apostacy, Arson, Assault, Captivity, Desecration, Robbery, Stripping, Words, Lost By Debts
Commissioners: Philip Bisse, Thomas Badnedge
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 44r

<symbol> Mary Boulte late of the Towne and parish of dungarvan in the Barron r y of Deces and County of Waterford widdow A brittish protestant duely Sworne and examined before vs by vertue &c deposeth and saieth that on or aboute the 5th day of January last past and sithence the the beginging of this present Rebellion she lost was Robbed and forceibly dispoyled of hir goods and Chattells to the seuerall vallues following vizt value of 270 li.__15 s.__6 d. Part being debts owing
Off cattell young and ould and one Horse to the value of Eleaven pounds ffifteene shillings Of hay in Haggard to the value of one pounds tenn shillings Of D ivinity books to the value of fifty pounds Off Houshould Goods and Houshould provission with all Nesessaryes there to belonginge linnen Wollen Bedding plate and Reddy Monyes to the value of one Hundred Twenty five pow nds sixe shillings sixe pence Of Of debts which this deponent accompted Good debts and now become desperatt by Reason of this rebellion t he Su m me of threeskore and Twelue pownds fouer shillings due from the vnder Named partys [ ] being Impoverished protestants such ar Christopher Martine John Rouswell William Riggs Richard Halloway Henry Harbord Richard Currye Henry Trole Robert Nayles & John Hore fiz Peirce of Dungarvan in the aforesaid County merchant & Thomas Bane of the <A> same Butcher which said last two partyes are ar in actual l Rebellion The T otall of hir losses Amounts vnto the sume of Two hundred & three skore pownds fifteene shillings and sixe pence And further the deponent saieth that John Hore fiz Mathew Hore fitz John gent the yonger of [ ] <of Dungarvan> Edward Hore of the same merchant Thomas Morly of the same merchant Thomas Hore of the same merchant Thomas Collens of the same merchant were those that stript the said deponent and hir Child and theire followers we r e they that stript hir and hir Child and dispoyled hir of hir goods and divers others that were in the Castell the s of Dungarvan were Wounded by the aforesaid Rebells & further the deponent saieth that Shusana Rowswell gentlewoman & hir three Children were & Mrs Roberts and hir five Children whose Husband is Now in Actuall Rebellion & divers others were stript in the aforesaid Towne whose their Names this deponent knoweth not she further saieth And that the vickerage house was burnt & further this deponent saieth that the afores a id Rebells <And the s a id Rebells> Went in to the said Church of Dungarvan aforesaid & there Raised burnt the seats the Comunion Table the pulpit and all the seats in the aforesaid Church and Made a stable for theire Horses and a prisson for the stript protestants

fol. 44v

<B> And lastly further this deponent saieth that Captaine Edmond ffennell at that time saied to this deponent that what they did they had the kings broade Seale to show for it what they did & the deponent likewise saieth that Peter Anthony of the Commaragh gent with his wife and Children he <(before> Reputed protestants) ar Now since the rebellion Turned papist and hee the said Anthony is now in Actuall Rebellion with two of his sonns Paull Anthony and Arthur Anthony & ar Now out in Rebellion with Sir Nicholas Wailsh of Ballikeroge in the said County knight she likewise saieth that James Burne Butcher and his wife [ ] the wife of John Brasington gent Grigory Cosbey shumaker and his wife whoe before were Reputed protestants and Now since this rebellion Turned papists and further she Cannott depose
Mary [mark] Boulte her marke
Jurat Coram nobis
29o Juny 1642
Tho: Badnedge
Phil: Bisse

fol. 45r

fol. 45v

The examination of Mary
Boulte Widow

Deponent Fullname: Mary Boulte
Deponent Gender: Female
Deponent Occupation: Widow
Deponent County of Residence: Waterford
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: John Hore fiz Peirce, John Rouswell, William Riggs, Richard Halloway, Henry Harbord, Richard Currye, Henry Trole, Robert Nayles, Christopher Martine, Thomas Bane, Mathew Hore fitz John, Edward Hore, Thomas Morly, Thomas Hore, Thomas Collens, Edmond ffennell, Nicholas Wailsh, Peter Anthony, Paull Anthony, Arthur Anthony, Shusana Rowswell, Mrs Roberts, James Burne, Grigory Cosbey, John Brasington
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Victim, Victim, Apostate, Apostate, Mentioned