Deposition of Thomas Benet
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 01:16 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 243r
Thomas Benet of Johnstowne in the Countie of Dublin Esquire, sworne and examined saith.
That on or about the first daie of December now last past, and since there Came dyvers Rebellious persons to this deponents house at Johnstowne aforesaid, and then and there forciblie robbed stripped and deprived him of his goods, and Chattles, and of the values hereafter expressed, (vizt) of Malt and Corne thrashed, and in the Hagard, worth twoe hundred pounds, or thereabouts; Hey worth fortie pounds, or thereabouts. Horses, Geldings, Mares, and Colts, worth threescore pounds, or thereabouts, Beasts and Cattle fourscore and ten pounds, or thereabouts; Barrells of Herrings nyne pounds, or thereabouts: Housholdgoods, fuell and provision fourscore and one pounds, ten shillings or thereabouts And further saith, that hee this Deponent by meanes of the present Rebellion, is (as hee is verilie perswaded) stripped, deprived, and disabled to recover divers debts, rents, and somes of money due and oweing vnto him by divers persons within this Kingdome of Ireland: some of which persons debtors are nowe in actuall Rebellion, and the rest disabled by the Rebellion to giue him satisfaccion, the somme of six hundred pounds and thirteene pounds, or thereabouts; And from the proffitt of the stocke of Corne and Cattle on the ffarmes of Johnstown and Irishtowne over and above the rent one hundred pounds per Annum or thereabouts: And is alsoe by the same Rebellion hitherto expelled and hindered of the fees and proffitts of Clarke of the Decrees and Recognizances in Chancerie, and of his place of an Attorney in the Court of Wards, which hath beene worth vnto him per Annum one hundred and fiftie pounds, or thereabouts, And besides is like to loose the benefitt of his said place of an Attorney from henceforth vntill A settlement.
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of peace be had. By which hee is and shalbe damnified (as hee verilie thinketh) the some of one thowsand, three hundred thirtie and one pounds, three shillings or thereabouts Soe as this Deponents whole Losse by and by reason of this present Rebellion <2000 li.> amounteth to the some of twoe thowsand pounds sterling at the Least, or thereabouts (as hee is verilie perswaded) And further saith that the parties Rebells that soe robbed, stripped, and deprived him, were (as this Deponent is Crediblie enformed, and verily beleeveth) these that followe (vizt) James Bermingham of Ballogh in the Countie of Dublin <A> Esquire, Thomas ffotterell of Roscall in the same Countie yeoman; James Walsh of Irishtowne in the same Countie Laborer, Thomas Murphie of Knightstowne in the same Countie Laborer, Peter Cruce of the Naall in the same County of Dublin gent, Richard Caddle of Harbertstowne in the Countie of Meath gent, Robert Caddle of the Naall in the said Countie of Meath <B> gent, A sonne of mr Kents of Dauistowne in the said Countie, A sonne of mr Betaghes of Moynaltie in the said Countie, Patricke ffanning his wife, and his sonne Thomas ffaning of Wimbleton in the Countie of Dublin; The wife of James mc Connell of Knightstowne in the Countie of Dublin, and his sonns Richard and Thomas, and his Daughter Joane, Robert Kellie and his eldest sonne Bartholomewe of Knightstowne aforesaid, Thomas mc Coan, and Margerie his wife of Tomond in the said Countie of Dublin, Richard mc Coan of Walstowne in the said Countie Cottier, Allexander <C> mc Coan of the Nevet in the said Countie William mc Enaule of the same Carpenter and his sonne Richard, Bartholomewe
fol. 244r
<D> Harford of Knightstowne aforesaid, his wife, and his sonne Richard, and his daughter, John Murrey driver, John Ball of the Nevet Laborer, William Taylor and his wife of Ballogh in the said Countie of Dublin, Edmond Ashbould and Margret his wife of the Nevet aforesaid and John Canlon of the same Laborer
Tho: Benet
Jur 26o ffebr 1641
John Sterne
William Aldrich
fol. 244v
65 Dublin 231
Tho: Bennett 26
ffebr 1641
Intw 2000 li.