Deposition of Barneby Goose
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:33 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 68r
Barneby Gosse of Ballyhar in the parish of Lissmore in the Barony of Cossmore & Cosbridy & in the Countie of watterford yeaman A Brittish protestant Beeing duly sworne & examin{ed} by vertue of his maiestis Comison Bearinge d a te &c deposeth & saith that at or about the first of march last past he lost was Robed & forcibly dispoyled of hi{s} goods and Chatells to the seuerall vallues ffollowinge vizt value of 123 li.O f Cows oxen heifers & yeerlings to the value of ffortie and ffower pounds starl of one nage which was worth three pounds of so much Corne as was then in stake & in house as was worth twentie pounds, of houshold stuff and plowe tackling the worth of six pounds he was expelled & driuen fr o me his said ffarme and house which whearin he bestowed In he had a tearme of fifteene years yet to come worth ten pownds per annum aboue his impr Land Lo rent in which he conceaue t{o} be damnifyed forty pownds Improument fiue & twentie pounds which he doth conceue to be lost The totall of his losses Amounts vn to Nintie and one hundred twent{ie} three pownds starl Eight pounds starl 98 li. he alsoe sayth he was robd by the means of capt Edm{und} ffennell & Nicholas Poore of Kilballikilty in county of waterf Esquire & Edmund Roch of Torin in said county gen: & John ffitz Gerald of ffarnan gen with diuers other s t{o} the number of about a thousand men Rebells; he also sayth that about the said time & place they by their means was kild Robert Downing of Ballesegard gen, Cornet to the Lord of Brohills troope & old John Bagwell of Ballnie in Parish of Lismore yeaman gen & further he cannot depose
Barneby [mark] Goose
Jurat coram nobis 16 Aug
Phil: Bisse Jam: Wallis
fol. 68v
Barneby Gosse his
Exam: his Losses