Deposition of Chras Cooper
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 10:20 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 69r
Chrass Cooper Late of Pilltoune parish of Kinsa i le begg in the barronry of Deces with in the drum & County of Waterford Drover A brittish protestant Deuly Sworne and examined before vs by vertue &c deposeth and saieth that on or about the 25th day of december last past and since the begining of this present Rebellin he lost was Robbed and forcibly dispoyled of his goods and Chattells to the seuerall values following viz value of 125 li.Off Cowes young and ould Ewes Horses Mares & Coults to the value of fifty pounds Of Houshould Goods & housho ld provision to the value of three pownds Of Haye in Staks which were Burnt Most part by the Rebells to the value of twenty eight pownds Alsoe the deponent saieth that hee had a lease of a parcell of land being part of the lands belonging to the Castell of Piltoune one which the said deponent bestowed in fensing & Inclosing of the said land & other Charges with a house burnt vppon the premises in the foresaid parish all which hee values to be the Som of f[ ower ] Tenn pownds Alsoe the deponent saith that by Meanes of this present Rebellion hee was Constrained to Kill and put away sixty Beasts: Oxen and Cowes by which the deponent was Damnified Thirty pownds And further the deponent saieth that hee lent to his Brother in law John Cooper whoe was in the County of Corke the Som of three pownds star as alsoe the deponent saieth hee lost by Nicholas Bu bb y whoe was Robd by the Rebells the som eof twenty shillings & further hee saieth that one Antho: Russell An English <pa>pist was deb i tor vnto him the some of Six teene shillings which said papist is Now in actuuall Rebellion The Totall of his losses Amounts vnto the Some of one hundred and Thirty [ ] Twenty & five pownds And lastly the deponent saieth that hee was Robbed of his aforesaid goods and Chattells as he <A> hath ben Informed by Thomas mc William & yeamon Edmond mc William Baylefe to Sir Nicho: wailsh and divers others which were Tennants vnder Sir Nicholas Wailsh whoe is in Actuall Rebellion & lived <at> Killgrabriell & there abouts in the parish of Kingsayle begg and further hee Cannott depose Chras Cooper
Jurat Coram Nobis 25th day of June 1642
Phil: Bisse
Thomas Ellwell
fol. 69v
The examination of
Crasse Cooper
[ ]124