Deposition of Robert Culme
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 12:02 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 269r
The examination of Robert Culme of the Citty of London gent taken before his Maiesties Commissioners appointed to enquire of the losses of his spoiled subiects in Ireland.
This Examinat beinge duly sworne deposeth, that he Lent many summs of money to severall persons in Ireland, which this examinat beinge in hope to receive did purposely resort into this kingdome whereof he is disappointed to his great preiudice besides the Losse of his money, it beinge either in the hands of such as are in rebellion, or owinge to him by them that are spoiled and disinabled by the rebells to give this deponent satisfaction, and he thereby in hazard of the Losse of all which severall summs appearinge by specialties amounte to two thowsand nyne <2900 li.> hundred poundes ster, But by whose meanes this Examinat hath sustained the said Losses, he knoweth not, beinge but a stranger in the Kingdome and his constant residence for the tyme beinge beinge in or about the Citty of dublin, and further he deposeth not.
Rob: Culme
Jur 3o Martij 1641
Hen: Jones
John Sterne
fol. 269v