Examination of Robert Boylan

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=810334r346] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:22 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1652-11-19
Identifier: 810334r346


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Dublin
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Multiple Killing
Commissioners: Edward Bolton, Gerard Lowther, John Bisse, Thomas Dongan
Deposition Transcription:

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The Examinacion of Robert Boylan late of Kilbarbarrock in the County of Dublin yeoman taken the xixth day of November 1652 taken the before vs Sir Gerrard knight Sir Edward Bolton knight & Thomas Dungan Esquire Commissioners for Administracion of Justice Oyer & Terminer and Gaole delivery &c at Dublin and John Bisse Esquire one of the Justices of peace for the Province of Leinster
The saide Robert Boylan beinge duly Examined saith that in the sommer of 1650 he was in ffingale in the County of Dublin haveing e in his beinge in Company with Richard Stronge Mathew Smith James Wade Olliver Plunkett Pattrick Kirrogan Nichas Plunkett & Tady Ellis and saith that the daye that the slaughter was Comitted at the ffurrowes in the saide County of Dublin in the somer aforesaid he the said Robert and the [ ] persons before named came to Lispople in the County and from thence came to Rabeele in the saide County and saith that their designe in Cominge into the Contry the tyme aforesaide was to gett a purchase to themselves and saith that they went from Rabeale to Brascle and from thence to the greate furrowes in the said County where one standinge in the Mount there did shotte a shott towards them and that thervpon three or fower of the said Company rushed into a park where Justice Donnelans horses were grasinge, and that he this Examinant and Nicholas Plunkett one of their Company went below the howse of the furrowes aforesaid leaveinge the howse on their right hand and did there goe amongst the garrans to looke for som geldings among them, and duringe that tyme hearinge som shootinge about the furrowes aforesaid therevpon conceivinge they were in fight ther, this Examinant and the said Nicholas Plunkett haveinge each of them a horse in his hand which they had got amongst the som garrans aforesaid returned vpp vnto the said furrowes where they were in fight, and there delivered the saide twoe horses to the saide Richard Stronge and was by him then sent after som of Justice Donellans horses which with the noise of the shott were frighted and run awaye towards Corballyes and from thence brought back the said Justice Donnellans horses vp to the said furrowes and did there see the Corps of fower or five men which laye vpon the ground whoe had beene killed by the saide Richard Stronge and the rest of the his Company in the fight aforesaide in this Examinants absence, and denyeth that he this Examinant killed any of the parties then slaine or was present at the killing of any of them, and saith that when this Examinant returned with the said horses

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horses he found Mr Justice Donnellan and his wife with the said Richard Stronge and his partie in the parke out of which the horses were first taken where they made an agreement with the said Justice Donnellan and dranke with him and went awaye with the horses which they had taken there as aforesaid and further saith not.
Robert [mark] Boylans
Gerrard Lowther Edw: Bolton
Tho: Dongan
Jo: Bysse

Deponent Fullname: Robert Boylan
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Yeoman
Deponent County of Residence: Dublin
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Richard Stronge, Mathew Smith, James Wade, Olliver Plunkett, Pattrick Kirrogan, Tady Ellis, Nicholas Plunkett, Justice Donnelan
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned