Examination of George Archbold
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=810370r370] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:58 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 370r
3138George AThe examjnacion of George Archbold of Blacke in the County of Dublin husbandman aged [ ] ffifty yeares or thereabouts taken the first of ffebruary 1652 before vs by order of the high Court of Justice
Who beeing duely sworne and examjned deposeth and saith, that hee knew William Beaton when hee liued at Deanes Grange before the Rebellion and hee heard that hee afterwards liued on parte of the lands of Laughlinstowne belonging to Mr James Goodman, Hee saith that hee heard that a little before the Cessacion made in this land with the Irish the said [ ] William Beaton was taken prisoner and carryed to Bray and there hanged by Mr James Goodman the elder of Laughlinstowne in the County of Dublin, as was generally reported, And further saith not,
George Archbold
Isaac Dobson Tho: Hooke William Markham
acknowledged Recogn of 100 li. to appere &c
fol. 370v
The examjnacion ofm George Ashpoole
The murther of
William Beaton
comitted by James
Archpole to bee sent
for & reexamined vpon
Catherine Caryes Examinacion
it was olivr not George