Deposition of Daniell Foster
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 02:15 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 279r
Daniell Foster of the Citty of Dublin gent sworne and examined deposeth and sayth
That on or betweene the xxvth of October & the xxvth of January last past, he was robbed dispoyled of and lost by the rebells hereafter mencioned his goodes and chattles herea and of the values following vizt in sheepe <400 li.> Cowes horses Mares Colts and rents worth 400 li. as hee is informed by his servants and verely beleeveth [ a nd] In debts due vnto him some by them that are run into the presente rebellion: & some by those that thereby are disabled to satisfy: & the rest by those that this rebellion hath cawsed to leave this Kingdome C li. In leases of severall howses and Lands within for severall yeres yet to come which with his stock vpon the same and otherwise was made worth 160 li. yerely the rent being paid CCl li. In corne hay and howseholdgoodes Cl li. And this deponent is alsoe expelled and deprived of the benefite of his imployment as a procurator in the Prerogatiue Courte & otherwise by this rebellion: which hath beene worth to him yerely 100 li. & is perswaded that his presente Losse for want thereof cannott be Lesse then 100 li. Soe his Losse in all amounteth to one thowsand & fforty Powndes: & forty Pownds And sayth that soe many of the parties Rebells that soe robbed expelled, and deprived him <A> as he can name his is informed are theis vizt Richard Archbold of fflemingto{n} in the County of Kildare gent michell Basnett of or neare Ballymomore in the County of Wickloe gent, Oliver Ewstace of Molecash in the County of Kildare gent and his sonns in the said County & Christopher Bealing gent, brother to Sir Henry Bealing of Killusha in the County of Kildare Knight, and vncle to Richard Bealing sonn to the said Sir Henry: which Richard Bealing is this Deponents
fol. 279v
Deponents Landlord, And this deponent further sayth that the said Christofer forcibly tooke away the keyes of this deponents castle and barne from his this deponents servants with whom he had left them in trust, And did alsoe carry away divers of this deponents said goods to the said Sir Henry Bealings howse at Killagha
as he was credibly informed by his servants aforesaid
Daniell ffoster:
Jur 7o ffebr 1641
Will: Hitchcock
John Sterne
38 Dublin &
Mr Daniell ffoster
7o febr 1641
Cert +
283 375