Deposition of Michael Jones
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 11:02 AM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 283r
(transcription of the damaged parts based on Waring copy)The Examination of Captaine Mich{ael Jones} taken before vs the eight of March 16{41} of his Maiesties Commission &c. Captaine Michaell Jones of the Citty of Dublin beinge sworne and examined depos{eth and} saith that his Rents issuinge out of his Lands and possessio{ns in the} County of Cavan and Monaghan before and att the time o{f the} breakinge out of this Rebellion amounted to two hund{red} fforty nine pounds by the yeare; And that hee hath {not received} this rent or any part thereof since the breakinge ou{t of this} rebellion. nor can as hee Conceiueth receiue the sa{me during} the Continuance of the said rebellion; nor in a {long time} after by reason some of the Tennants whoe plant{ed this} Deponents Lands beinge brittish are Murthered. the {rest banished} robbed and spoyled of all theyre goods, And this Ex{aminants} lands laid waste
The said Examinate
This Examinate further deposeth that severall {men are} indebted vnto him in one hundred and twenty po{unds and} ffive shillings; which said Sumes by reason of th{is Rebellion} are as hee conceiveth become Desperate And th{is Examinant} likely to bee deprived therof. The parties whoe w{ere indebted } vnto this Examinate being spoyled of all they ha{ve by the} Rebells
Mich: {Jones}
Jurat 8to Martij 1641 coram nobis
Joh Watson:
William Aldrich
fol. 283v
4[ ] 71 Dublin
Capt: Michaell Jones 8o
Marcij 1641
Intw Cf