Deposition of Anthonie Huiberts ex parte Derrick Huiberts
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 09:55 AM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 311r
The said Anthonie Huiberts aged Thirty yeares or thereabouts Sonne & heire of Derrick Huiberts Late of Holme=Patrick in the County of Dublin gentleman deceased being duely Sworne vpon the holy Evangelist, deposeth that his said ffather was robbed and dispoyled of all his goods at Holme Patrick aforesaid. the ffirst day of December Last, about Twelue of the clock of the same day, as followeth, vizt in Gould, Silver, Jewells, Rings, Linnen, Woollen, Brass pewter, provision for the house, and other <100> goods to the valew of one hundred pounds And further deposeth That they Likewise seized vppon <100> ffive fishing boates, & the halfe of one ffishing boate, and all tackle and furniture to the same belonging to the valew of one hundred pounds, And further deposeth, That his said ffather fearing further mischeife that might happen, did that very day afterwards Leave his said house at Holme=Patrick, and for his refuge went to Hacketts=Towne with this deponents [ ] Mother, & his said ffathers Sisters, where they Lodged that night, and the next day being resolved to goe to <140 li.> Lambey for Succor was againe assaulted, and stripped naked, and there was tooke from his said Mother seaven score pounds in money, and then they cruelly Murthered this deponents ffather, And afterwards his said Mother & Aunt came to the Citty of Dublin striped; And further saith that at the same time there <200 li.> was taken away in Corne and Cattle to the valew of two hundred pounds besides the Loss of his ffathers Life, the punishment of his Mother & Aunt his said ffather is dampnified in his Estate to the valew of Two thowsand pounds at Least, as he verily beleiveth, the cause thereof is, for that he this deponent, hath for a long time bein entrusted with the managing of his said ffathers Estate, and dealor in all his affaires which robberies & cruell acts were done by & by By the meanes of Captaine Cusack neere of Raharlan in the County of <B> Meath Michaell Murfie of Balruddery in the County of Dublin gentleman William Hurleston, Jesper Hurleston, of the and Thomas Hurleston of Skerryes & Tenants to the said Derrick accompanied with seuerall others of the Irish rebbells, And further deposeth that he heard that the said Rebbells had Murthered Parson Mr Pardoe, a minister & a Post coming from Dublin and other English protestants but to what number knoweth not, and hathe heard them call the protestants Herriticks not suffering any of them to be buried, nor keepe any goods belonging to the protestants or to giue them Entertainement in their houses vpon payne of death.
Anthony huibarts
Jur 29 Jan. 1641 coram
John Sterne.
William Aldrich
fol. 311v