Examination of Mary Eyres

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=811201r141] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:19 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1653-01-28
Identifier: 811201r141


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Wicklow
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Multiple Killing, Words
Commissioners: James Donelan, Thomas Dongan, Thomas Hooke
Deposition Transcription:

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<symbol> The Examjnacion of Mary Eyres wife to Collonell Eyres aged thirty eight yeares or thereabouts taken the xxviijth day of January 1652 before Justice Donellan Justice Dongan and Mr Alderman Hooke members of the high Court of Justice appointed a Comittee for examjnacions concerning murders and massacres comitted in the Counties of Dublin and Wickloe since the xxiijth of oct 1641
<A> Whoe beeing duely sworne and examjned deposeth and saith That about the tenth of Nouember 1641 there came towardes the house of Knockrath where the examjnant and her then husband Mr Job warde liued the number of about fiue hundred of the Irish Rebells vnder the comand of Collonell Luke Toole Byrne, That the said Collonell Luke Byrne with about one hundred of the said Rebells came to beseige the said house of Knockrath and the rest of the Partie stayed within the Parke wherein the said house stood, That about fowre dayes after a treaty was had betweene the examjnants said husband and the said Luke Byrne and articles were agreed on for the surrendring of the said house and that the names of those that subscribed the said articles (to the best of this examjnants knowledge) were as followeth vizt Luke

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<symbol> Luke Byrne, John Byrne, ffelix Byrne, Charles Byrne, Tirlagh Byrne Tirlagh Byrne Barnaby Toole, Garrott Byrne, Tirlagh Byrne and Donogh Toole, and that by the said Articles her said <C> husband and the rest of his family seruants & tenants had liberty to stay in the said house vntill May the next following, Shee saith that Edward Sneapp and Thomas Huntpatch were tenants to the said Job Ward and Richard the Carpenter was seruant to the said Job ward and that they all liued within the Castle of Knockrath when the said Articles were agreed on, And saith that about a month after the perfecting of the said Articles Phelym mc Redmond Byrne (then reported to bee Major to Luke Toole with diuers others came to Knockrath and demanded the said Edmond Sneap, Thomas Huntpatch and Richard the Carpenter beeing Englishmen and Protestants, and that the said Job ward vppon the demaund of the said Englishmen <D> asked what the said Redmond would doe with them, and hee answeared that hee would haue them to sett some Armes for him and that afterwards they should returne; wherevppon they were accordingly deliuered to the said Phelym mc Redmond, and shee saith that the said Englishmen were within two dayes after (as the examjnant heard) hanged within fiue miles of Knockrath, shee saith shee kneweth not

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not by whose direccion the said three Englishmen were demaunded, but saith that shee heard that Collonell Luke Toole who then was Cheife Comander in that County did comand the said Phelym mc Redmond Byrne and the rest of that partie to a Rendezvous neere Knockrath <E> the same day or the next day after but the name of the place shee remembreth not, And the examjnant further saith that the lettre now produced vnto her signed by Luke Toole and directed to the said Job warde was deliuered by a messenger who said hee came from the said Luke Toole, and that shee found the said Lettre amongst the said Job wards papers vnto which shee referreth herselfe, And shee saith that shee doth beleiue that the writeing indorsed on the inside of the superscriptions of the said lettre is a true Coppy of a lettre written from John Byrne and others to the said Luke Toole And further shee cannott depose,
Mary Eyre
Ja Donelan
Tho: Dongan
Tho: Hooke

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The Examjnacion of
Mrs Mary Eyres

Deponent Fullname: Mary Eyres
Deponent Gender: Female
Deponent Occupation: Wife
Deponent County of Residence: Wicklow
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Job warde, Edmond Sneap, Thomas Huntpatch, Richard *, Collonell Eyres, Luke Byrne, John Byrne, ffelix Byrne, Charles Byrne, Tirlagh Byrne, Tirlagh Byrne, Barnaby Toole, Garrott Byrne, Tirlagh Byrne, Donogh Toole, Phelym mc Redmond Byrne, Luke Toole
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Mentioned, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel