Deposition of John Lamberte
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 126r
John Lamberte of the grange within the parish of Lisgenan the barrony of the Deces and Count: of Waterford gen: bein{g} duely sworne & examined by vertue of &c deposeth and sayth that aboute Christide last past hee was robbed and dispoyled of his goods and Chattles to the valewe of the seuerall somes as followe vidz value of worth 371 li. 376 li. Part consisting of debts owing Off houshoulde stuffe to the value of fifteene pownd e s ster in Cowes horses and swine to the val ewe of six score powndes ster in Corne in house and in haggarde to the valewe of twenty powndes st [ ] of eight stocks of bees the valewe of fower powndes ster: ffurther this deponente sayth that hee was dispossessed of twoe farmes which hee helde by lease from Mr Nicholas Stow t e William Stow t e and Mr Nicholas Meangh of of Youghall: by name the grange and ballebrowne hee sayth that hee had in the grange which hee helde fr o m the three gent: aboue named twenty six yeare yet to come and vnexpired which he v alue to be worth ouer and aboue the landlordes rente the some of twenty powndes per annum which hee val eweth to bee worth alongest with his improuementes one hundred powndes ster, hee further sayth that hee was dispossessed of another farme which hee helde by lease from the aboue named landlordes Mr Nicholas and William Stow t e and and Mr Nicolas Meangh of Youghall aforesaid by the name of Ba il ebrowne in which hee had twenty eyght yeares yet to come and vnexpired which hee valeweth to bee worth twenty powndes ouer and aboue the landlords rente per annum which hee valewes to bee worth alongst with his improuementes the some of one hundred pownde{s} ster: ffurther hee sayth that hee had in debts which hee accounted good before this rebellion and now beeinge due vpon by Richard Ponto{n} and John Marraugh of the grange aforesaid and others whoe were are nowe in actuall rebellion to the valewe of twelue powndes ster: of which hee can gett noe satisfactio{n} by reason the aforesaid parties are now in actuall rebellion and furth{er} say he not the tot al some amounted to three hundred three score and eleue{n} powndes ster: <120 024 100 100 012>
fol. 126v
Hee saith that John fitz Gerrald of ffarnan in the said County gentleman James Welsh son to Sir Nicholas Welsh knight <B> & John Butler of Ringona in the said County gentleman (a reputed Captaine of the rebells) were the parties that robbed this deponent as he is credibly informed & further he [cano] deposeth that John Stutely of Armore in the said County clearke of formerly curat of Armore aforesaid since this rebellion turned papist together with his wife & family & John Adams his wife & family is likewise turned papists & further he canot depose
John [mark] Lambarts
Jurat coram nobis
23o Juny 1642
Tho Badnedge
Hen: Rugge
fol. 127r
1327John Lambert of the parish of Lisgenan
fol. 127v
The examination
of John Lambert
late of Grange371 li 74