Examination of Elizabeth Vizard

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=812060r084] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:30 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1652-08-14
Identifier: 812060r084


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Carlow & Killkenny
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Killing
Commissioners: Henry Jones, Henry Prity
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 60r

The Examination of Elizabeth Vizard alias Lake taken the 14th of August 1652 before vs Colenell Henery Prity & Henery Jones Justices of the peace for the prouince of Linister
The Examinat Duly sworne & Examined deposeth & saith that she is the Daughter of Richard <A> Lake some time dwelling att Laughlon bridge in the County of Catheolagh: that about the begining of this Rebelion her father: Rich Lake left his dwelling att Laughlon bridge and for security put himselfe vnder the protection of Sir Thomas Butler att [Rahag] within haulfe a mille mile of Laughlon bridge Afore sayd: That the Enemy haueing Taken Sir Thomas Butler prisoner about the midle of Lent 1642 the Deponents ffather was allso taken by them and broug ht brought prisoner to Laughlon afore sayd wheare the Enemy K Kept him fiue days that he was promised to be Convayd thence to Waxford and so to England; but with in two miles from Laughlon att Cloghmill Knockmullin alias Knockmill in the County of Catherlagh he was hangd to death by Ja{ } Kernan, that the mother of { } three Children & one { } English woman { } daughter & { } and { }

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whom this Deponent knoweth not were all Caried from Laughleon aforesaid with her ffather <B> as afore sayd to be Convayd to Waxford of whom this examinent heard that Sameuell Hater was allso executed [ hanged with ] to gether with her ffather but the Rest were sufred to goe to ward Doncanon: That this Deponent was then att Ballinancy in the County in the County of Catherlagh but was tould of that she hath hearin Declared by her Mother who was present & an ey witnes of the pasages aforesa i d & Came to this Deponent att Catherlagh afore<sayd> about a twelue month after: This Deponent further saith that the sayd James boy Kernan told her this Deponent voluntarily without Examining further after of it, that he had hangd her father and that he feard not any thing by so doing for he was Commanded to do it by Charles Dempsy an oficer belonging to Walter Bagnall then Comman{d}<ing> ing in <C> Laughlon afore sayd: This Deponent was allso told by seuerall that the sayd James boy Kernan had boasted that he had with his [and ] owne hands <hangd> thre other English besids this Deponents father and that it was the best days worke that Evre he did And further saith not
marke Elizabeth [mark] Vizard
{Henry Prity}
{H}en: Jones

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The Examination of Elizabeth
Vizard alias Lake
Aug. 14.1652.
Richard Lake


Deponent Fullname: Elizabeth alias Lake Vizard
Deponent Gender: Female
Deponent Occupation: Daughter
Deponent County of Residence: Carlow
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Richard Lake, Sir Thomas Butler, Sameuell Hater, Ja{ } Kernan, James boy Kernan, Charles Dempsy, Walter Bagnall
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Victim, Victim, Victim, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel