Deposition of Samuell Hill

Collection: Bysse Depositions

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 03:25 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-08-11
Identifier: 820152r124


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Waterford
Deposition Type: Bysse
Nature of Deposition: Arson, Robbery, Lost By Debts
Commissioners: James Wallis, Philip Bisse
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 152r

Samuell Hill late of Athmeane in the Countie of Waterford gen (a brittish protestant) beinge duely sworen & Examyned by vertue of &c deposeth and saith that in the nyneth day of Januarie last & since the begynynge of this present Rebellion in Ireland he lost and was Robbed and forceablie dispoiled of his goods and Chattles to the seuerall values followeinge vizt value of 2251 li. 10 s.
Of Cowes and oxen att Ballymcmagge within the parish of dongarvan and Countie of Waterford of the price of fourtie sixe pownds of hey and corne in the haggard att Ballymcmagg{e} aforesaid to the value of one hundred pownds of Implements of husbandrie lost the re to the value of eight pownds,
The said deponent further saith that the nynth daye of Januarie last he was expelled and dryven away from the said farme where he left Corne in the ground to the value of seventie pownds which he conceius to be lost and alsoe by meanes of the said rebellion & expellinge from the said land the said deponent left vntilled of stubble land for barley & otes fourtie twoe
pownds Acres to his damags of ffift i e pownds And the said deponent further saith that he was att the begynynge of the said Rebellyon possest of twoe farmes within the parish of Athmean aforesaid, vizt thone named Seskin a nd thother Kilderehin within which farmes he was forceablie Robbed & dispoyled by the Rebells of hey & corne in his haggard thone to the value of two hundred & twentie pownds <Besid> of the loss of one howse on Seskin aforesaid with the houshold implements & implements of husbandrie there by fire & other meanes of the Rebells to the value of ffourtie pownds Of wheat in the ground on the said ffarmes to the value of One hundred and fiftie pownds of besids the loss of the tillage of stubbells or tilled to the value of one hundred and ffiftie pownds the said Rebells fired on the said farme of Kildereen two villags to loss of by reason of which the s a id deponent hath lost of [ ] fourtie pownds The s aid deponent likewise held the ffewel howse att Athmean aforesaid which he built at his owne chardges & [ ] for one & twentie yeres yett to com e & gayned Twentie shillin g s per annum aboue his rent which howse is burned by meanes of the said rebellion to the lost of ffourtie pownds, more of, Thirtie Acres of wheat and parte of the lands of Athmean aforesaid to the value of one fouer score & ten pownds which he conceius to be lost , more of the losse of three howses burned att the East e nd of the towne of Cappoquin with howshold goods therein to the value of one hundred thirtie & six pownds

fol. 152v

The said deponent further saith that he was possest of three other howses in the towne of Cappoquin aforesaid which howses with Corne, tanned leather & other goods therein were burned by the Rebells the 30th of Aprill last by the Rebells when <B> Capteyne John Sherlocke of Mo[ ]yll capt Edmond fffennell of Clonmell & Capt Thomas mc Crath of [CurraughNeslyday] in county Waterford other capt & other Rebells attempted to take the said towne of Cappoquin to the value of one hundred & Twentie pownds
The said deponent further saith that he was possest of a ffarme & Tenement called Saltabridge within the parish of Lismore in the said Countie where he lost by the Rebles in oxen Cowes & horses ffowerscore & ten pownds Of Corne there in the ground value Thirtie pownds which he conceiues to be lost he hath twentie yeres yett to come in the said farme & maketh yerely aboue the Rent he payed fourtie pownds which this deponent valueth to be worth f one hundred and ffouerscore pownds, more the said deponent hath bestowed in buyldinge on the said ffarme of Saltabridge twoe hundred pownds which by meanes of the said Rebellyon is lost As Alsoe of a debts due from sundrie persons vizt [ ] first John fz Gerrald of ffarian now in Rebellyon one of the first that brake out in the County of waterford ffiftie shillings, from James [Hore] of dongarvan [merchant] nowe in England [ ] [ ] The said deponent further saith that he hath Nyne yeres yett to come & vnexpired in the foresaid farme of Ballymcmage & then with with great expences [ ] by husbandrie is worth per annum aboue the rent he payed Twentie fyve pownds to the value in tot of two one hundred pownds And the said deponent further saith that Capt Matheue Hore of dongarvan aforesaid & John fz Garrald of ffarrian and Dauid Mulkahah of Knockaen Puyer in said county gentleman: as he is enformed are the principall men with other Rebells by name are the men that have done the spoyle & taken awaye his corne & goods on the said farme of Ballymcmagge but the Rebells that tooke the rest their names he knoweth not The totall some of the deponent losses amount to Twoe thousand three two hundred fifteen eight pownds & ten shillings And further he saith not
Samwell Hill
Jurat coram nobis
11 Aug: 1642
Phil: Bisse
Jam: Wallis

fol. 153r


fol. 153v


The examination of
Samuell Hill

Deponent Fullname: Samuell Hill
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Gentleman
Deponent County of Residence: Waterford
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: John Sherlocke, Edmond fffennell, Thomas mc Crath, John fz Gerrald, James [Hore], Matheue Hore, Dauid Mulkahah
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Debtor, Debtor, Rebel, Rebel