Deposition of Hugh Suger
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 11:38 AM
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fol. 159r
Hugh Suger late of the Towne of Cappoquine and parish of lismore and barrony of cousmore and Cousbredy and <in the> County of Waterford Bucher A brittish protestant being duly s o worne and examined before vs by vertue of his Maiesties Comision Bearing date &c deposeth and sayeth that on ore about the last day of Aprill last past hee lost was robbed and forcablely dispoyled of his goods and Chattells to the seuerall values fowlling vizt value of 93 li.__15 s., part consistingeOf Cowes hefers one horse swime to t h e value of seuen pounds teen shilling of houshould goods to the value of three pounds of Ready mony which hee gaue to his wife the night before shee was kild tow and Twenty pounds this deponent fuarther sayeth that hee lost teen pounds per Annum in Ee n gland by the death of his said wife shee had during hee nuturall liefe whearin hee conceues himself to bee damnyfide three score pounds of deabts amounting to Twenty fiue shillings due from the vnder named person daniell o Briant of the parish of mogely gen Phillip mc Shane husbandman: of Drum [ ] row in the parish of affane Dermon o Relly of the same husbandman Daniell Dufe o Kenidy in the parish of Lismore husbandman In the parish of lismore husbandman and all though hee accounted them good deabts before this rebellion yet in regard the parties are out in actuall rebellion therfore hee cannot de gett satisfaction from them the the sume to totall some of his losses amounteth vnto Ninty three pounds fivfteene shillings the deponent farther saith that his wife Ann Suger and Gracee Suger his daster Daughter of Caperquin was killed the day aboue wrighten and further hee cannot deposes
Hugh Suger
Jurat coram nobis 12 Aug:
Phil: Bisse
Jam: Wallis
fol. 159v
The examination
of Hugh Suger