Deposition of George Stockdale
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 11:32 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 83r
This Deponent George Stockdale gent further examined deposeth That hee <O> beinge in some discourse with the aforesaid Brandon the Fryar, concerning shippinge, That the said Brandon in great earnest made answere said to this Deponent and saide (had it not bin) for the vnlucky Hollander The Kingdome of Ireland, And the vndertakers, and Confederates of the Irish Catholique warr, had wanted neither shipping officers nor Ammunition nor any manner of Artillery belonginge to warr, But This Deponent askinge the said Brandon which waye could they bee furnished to fight against England, or against the English nation the said Fryar made answere & saide that the Spanish Fleete, which was l ately driven by the hollanders into the Downes of England were [ ] Coming for Ireland the one halfe to bee Landed at Kingsale in the West of Ireland and the other halfe at Killabeggs in the North, And This deponent asked the said fryer being verry familliar with him and had formerly beene his schoolefellow, how did hee knowe, whither the said Fleete, did intend to goe (hee made answere & sayde,) hee heard of such an intencion before but was not verry certaine till hee had receaued a letre, from a Brother fryer of his whoe Liued in Madritt in Spaine, who was one of the nyne fryers which were imployed, in the behalfe of the greivances of the Irish and English papist Catholiques in those partes, Then the said Brandon Biding at Rome, And beinge imployed in the like manner there, As the said Brandon toulde this deponent
Geo: Stockdale
Jurat Mart 18. 1642
Joh Watson:
Hen: Brereton
Will: Aldrich
fol. 83v
fol. 84r
fol. 84v
George Stockdale
Jur 18o Marcij 1642
Intw Cert fact
Kings Countie
Susanna Stockdale