Deposition of Edward Blennerhassett
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 11:49 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 118r
Edward Blennerhassett of the Countie of the Cittie of Dublin gent being duly sworne and examined deposeth and saith that he this deponent since the begining of the present rebellion and by meanes thereof hath lost in a bargaine of Corne which this deponents wife made withof the Countie of Galway ffarmer (who is now in rebellion) and payd for the same but never received the said Corne. The some of x li. and further saith that there is owing vnto him this deponent by Hugh Birne of Ballymullen in the Countie of Wickloe gent by bonds bills and other specialities the some of lxx li. which he deemeth <A> to be vtterly lost by reason the said Birne is also in actuall rebellion And that there is also owing him by Bond from Thomas Brian who is likewise in rebellion the sume of x li. And further deposeth that since the beging of this present rebellion he this deponent hath been and is deprived of and hath lost the benefitt of a lease of an Iron milne in the Countie of Downe In which he had an estate for eight yeares yet to come worth (as he was offered in valuacion before the rebellion began) xxxij li. per Annum vltra reprise but now worth nothing by reason the said Milne is ruined and quite spoyled by the rebells his Interest wherein he valued to be worth before the rebellion began CClvj li. So as this deponents present losses by meanes of this rebellion amount to the sume of CCCxlvj li. And as touching Cruelties murthers and other outrages comitted by the rebells he cannot depose by reason he was for the most part in England ever since the begining of the rebellion and came over thence but lately
Edward Blennerhassatt
Jur 14to Oct 1642 coram
Will: Aldrich
Joh Watson
fol. 118v
otherwise dispoyled of his goods and chattells of the value and to his present losse ofAll which by order to vs given by the right honorable the lords Justices of the said kingdome of Ireland we doe hereby certifie vnder one handes ffrom the Cittie of Dublin this sixth day of August 1642
deposic Edw Blennerhassett gentleman
Jur 14 Oct 1642
Cert fact et delibat