Examination of Edmond Byrne
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=812115r126] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:12 PM
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fol. 115r
The examination of Edmond Byrne of Corranloskye in the Barrony of Idrone in the Countye of Catherlagh taken vpon oath befor me Henrye Prittie one of the Justices of peace for the Province of Leinster this 8th of September 1652
This examinate beinge duly sworne sayth that about the begininnge <A> of the warrs in the yeare 1641 he liued at Laughlin bridge in the said County of Catherlagh where Walter Baganll was then Gouernor And that som of the said Bagnalls men tooke a man servant of Mr Isacke Woollye of Cloughgrenan Prissoner By name Nicholas Pew and Carried him to Laughlin bridge aforsaid beinge vppon a saterday. And one the next day beinge sunday the said Isack Wolly to whom the said Nicholas did belonge, sent a messenger to Laughlin to the said deponente, to see if he could be any meanes procure his said servants releasement, But could not, And one the Tusday ffollowinge the said Nicholas Pue was put to death and hanged And further this examinatt saith that he heard that the said Bagnall [ whist ] wisht that he had Isacke Wolly with the man then And further this deponent sayth that he wrott then to Cloughgrenan to Mr Isacke Woolly the whole stat of the death of his servant Nicholas Pew which he reffers himsealfe thervnto and further cannott remember the tyme beinge soe longe since And further sayth not
Edmond Byrne [mark]
deposed befor me the
day and yeare first aboue
Hen: Prittie
fol. 115v
Exam of Edm
Byrne against
Coll Bagnall for killing Nicollis