Deposition of Raphe Brian
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 02:16 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 120r
Raphe Brian of the Citty of Dublin Inholder sworne & examined deposeth and sayth That since the begining of the present Rebellion within the kingdome of Ireland and by meanes thereof he hath beene in expelled robbed or otherwise dispoyled of his goodes and chattles nere the Citty of Dublin of the values followinge vizt of horses worth xvj li. and of iust debts due and owing vnto him by seuerall persons within the said kingdome of Ireland some part of those debtors being in Rebelljon & the rest disabled by the Rebells to make satisfaccion amounting to the sume of ffiftie pounds ij s. ster ster or thereabouts in hay proffitts of grownd and howsing xx li. Soe as his whole Losse by meanes of the rebelljon aforesaid cometh vnto the sume of ffow rscore sume of sixtie <82 li. 6 s.> sixe poundes two shillinges ster: But who the
Raph Brayne
Jurat xxxo Aprilis 1642
John Sterne
Will: Hitchcocke
fol. 120v
Raph Brian Jurat
xxxo Apr 1642
Cert fact