Deposition of William Bridges
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 11:49 AM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 124r
William Bridges Late of Harolds=Grange in the County of Dublin duely sworne and examined deposeth that he hath lost and beene despoyled by reason of this present rebellion in Ireland of the particulars following, vizt In his stock of Cattle, which he was forced to bring to the Citty of Dublin and there to keepe them now almost halfe an yeare, by meanes whereof this deponents charges in house rent hey and fodder amounteth to the losse of of <A> forty pounds It: in some of his household stuffe, as alsoe his wearing clothes and sword to the vallue of 5 li. of which he was robbed by Donnogh Lately fowler to Sir George Radcliff, and diverse others as yet vnknowen to this deponent. It: in hey lost by meanes of this <55 li.> present rebellion to the vallue of 10 li. Tot: 55 li. It: whereas this deponent had a lease for many yeers yet to come of a parcell of Land in the sayd Harolds=Grange, for his interest wherin, this deponent before this sayd rebellion could have had 140 li. in hand, yet now he feareth the same will hardly be worth the Landlords rent, to this deponents losse thereby for ought he knoweth <140 li.> of 140 summ: tot: of his losses as before_________ 195.
Signum predicti [mark] Bridges
Jurat: Apr: 5o. 1642
Hen: Brereton
William Hitchcocke
fol. 124v
fol. 125r
fol. 125v
William Bridges
Jur 5o Aprilis 1642
Cert fact