Examination of Walter Bagnall
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fol. 131r
The Examinacion of Colonell Walter Bagnall taken the 9th day of October 1652 before
The said Examinante beinge demanded whether hee did knowe one Isaacke Wollye: acknowledgeth hee did, and that the said Isaack lived vpon the said Examinantes land of Ould towne in the County of Catherlogh at the begininge of the Warres and then removed from theare and lived at Cloghgrennan as the Examinante saieth hee heard, and the reason of his removall from ould towne was as hee beleeveth for that he was plundered of his goods, and fledd for feare of the generall Insurrection of the Countrye
The said Examinante beinge Examined whether hee did knowe one Nicholas Pue saieth hee did neither did knowe or heare of any such nor ever was treated with by Isaacke Wooly for and concernineg any such as hee remembreth,
Beinge Examined whether Isaacke Woolly ever sent to, or wrote to him the Examinante or whether any spoke to him from the said Isaacke concerninge any person belonginge
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to him and (being in prison with the Examinante) att or whether Isaacke Woollys wife sent to this Examinante about any such person, the Examinate vtterly denyeth it to his remembrance
Beinge Examined whether that hee knew that any person of Cloghgrennan that was taken prisoner by him or any other was Executed, saieth, that hee doth not remember that any was.
Being demanded whether there were any difference betweene him the Examinante and the said Isaacke Woolly, saieth that there was never any but for some Rent due to him the Examinante before the Warres for which hee did distrayne but neither at the breaking out of the Rebellion or at any tyme since was any thinge due to him the Examinante from the said Isaacke or any difference betweene him the said Isaacke and this Examinate to his knowledge or remembrance but
But nowe further recollecting himselfe saieth That hee had sett the lands of Ouldtowne aforesaid to one Berrye and that <B> there was some dealings w ith by the said Isaacke with the said Berrye concerninge the said lands which Interest of the said Berry the Examinante regained And therevpon difference happened betweene this Examinante and the said Isaacke (this Examinante
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in sendinge by a l eg all way to avoyde the said Isaacke Woollyes Interest in the said lands of Ouldtowne which hee had from the said Berry as aforesaid And f being demanded whether hee had any of the said Isaacke Woollyes goods or howe any them were dispersed at any tyme since the Rebellion saieth that neither had any of the said Isaacks goods or knoweth howe any of them were dispersed only some some Corne which this Examinante himself seized on havinge recouered it against one Brian Birne whoe had entred vpon the said land
Beinge Examined further saieth That after the Battell of Rosse about June 1642 then next following, there were about eightene of the Garrisons of Clogh Grennan & Catherlogh taken prisoners and some of them hange killed And that this Examinante himselfe was then in that fight and being demanded what became of the prisoners saieth that they were ransomed or Exchanged And further saieth not
Walter Bagenall
This Examinacion taken before vs
J Hewson
Hen: Jones
Tho Herbert
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24 4
Collonell Bagnalls
2d Examination
october 9 1652
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