Deposition of Thomas Clitheroe
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:05 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 126r
Thomas Clitheroe viccar of Balrothery in the County of Dublin Clark sworne & examined deposeth That since the begining of this present Rebellion m vizt about the begining of December last past, hee this deponent being att Balrothery aforesaid mett with one <A> Michaell Murphy of the same towne gent, Walter Saint Lawrence of Cuterlow in the said County gentleman Geo: Tankard of Balrothery Laborer John Pasmere of the same Inkeeper Robert Pasmere his sonn a popish preist Richard Murphy of the same a papist preist gent whoe all maligning him this deponent the said Michaell Murphy & Tankard in the sight of the rest assaulted sett vpon and struck downe to the grownd him this deponent, and the said Michaell Murphy with a dart which he borrowed of the said Walter Saint Lawrence for that purpose wounded this deponent in his bre st neck which stayed at the Coller bone els it had slayne him as he thincketh: And the same parties threatening to kill him he for feare of his Lyfe fled away to Dublin: And after he was gone away as the deponents wife & divers others tould him and as he verely beleeveth one Captaine Cusack and the said John Pasmere and Michaell Murphy & other Rebells seised vpon this deponents howse & pulled it downe and from thence & from other placs forceibly tooke & carryed away of the goods of him this deponent of the value following vizt howshold goodes & provition worth 10 li.: & Hay and Corne worth 30 li. & then the said rebells expelled him and his wife and children from his Church liveings to worth 80 li. per annum at least to his present losse of 80 li. besides the proffits and fruits thereof vntill a peace be setled And further saith That
fol. 126v
all the parties before named did then or since fall <A I> into actuall Rebelljon And further saith was credi bly Informed that the Rebells within the towne of Balrothery aforesaid about that tyme most cruelly & barbarously murthered one Mr Pardoe a minister & threw him into a dunghill water where he lay till the swyne fed vpon his head, and they also murthered one William Rymmer a postboy for the packett <symbol> And further saith that the Rebells alsoe robbed & stript this deponents wife and children of their clothes & vj li. in money: Soe as their and this Deponents present loss by the Rebells amounteth to the sume of Cxxvj li. & above, besids his future losse of his Church Liv the proffits of his Church Lyveinges
Thomas Clitheroe
Jur 26 March 1642
Roger Puttocke
Hen: Brereon
William Hitchcocke