Deposition of ffrances Evens
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 11:54 AM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 188r
frances Evens of owbeg in the parish of lismore Barony of Cosbridy and County of waterfoord wid: a brittish protestant duly sworn and Examined before vs by vertue of her oath deposeth saieth that aboute shrovetid last past and since the begining of this present rebellion In Irland shee lost was robed and forcibly dispoiled of the goods and Chatels to the severall values following value of [ ] li. 51 li. of her Cattell horses Cowes sheep pigs swine _____3 li.__0__0 [
of houshould stuff _____5__0__0
of hay and corne in hagard and house _____ ]__0__0
of aparell linin and woolen _____1__0__0
she also in her lease loss was is damaged hauing thirteene years to come worth 3 li. per annum aboue the Landlords rent _____[ ]__0__0 ffrances [mark] Euens
Corne in ground lost_____3__0__0
The sum of all is _____xij li__0 s.__0 d.
54 41__00__0
she sayth was robd by the rebells whose names she knoweth not and further cannot depose
her marke
Jurat coram nobis 16o Aug:
Phil: Bisse
Jam: Wallis
fol. 189v
ffraunces Euens her Exam