Deposition of Alice Hogg
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 09:23 AM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 153r
Alice Hogg of Murferstowne in the parish of Tully in the Barrony of Rathdowne within the Countye of Dublin Widdow A Brittish protestant duly sworne sayth That about the sixe and twentyth of October last past betwene the houres of seaven a Clocke at Night and sixe in the morninge, haue been she was at Murferstown aforesaid besett and by force of armes assaulted and robbed f of Cowes faire to the value of Tenn pounds ster: And about the foure and twentyth day of December Last past haue she was robbed of & lost In Cowes & horses Nyne to the value of fourteen pounds sterling: In Corne to the value of three pounds tenn shillinges ster: In Hay to the value of eyght pounds ster: In Bills and Bonds and other depts and agreements to the value of Threescore and twelfe pounds ster: In houshouldstuffe Gardninge and fyreing to the value of Tenn pounds ster. And the Lease that shee deponent held from Mr William Wolferston of Stellargon in the County of Dublin to the value of fiftye shillinges ster: In all amounting to the iust and full summe of One hundred and twentye <A> pounds ster By the hands and meanes of Luke Toole of Castle Cevan in the Countye of Wickloe, And Banabye Toole of Carrogroe, And Mathew Talbott, and theire wicked leud and rebellious companye, showing noe cause to the same contrary, neyther any actions of or speeches offerr e d or spoken but who forcibly came and tooke & drive away the deponents goods This the deponent sayth and afirmeth to be true :
Alice [mark] Hogs marke
Deposed March 26th 1642
John Sterne
William Hitchcocke
fol. 153v
fol. 154r
fol. 154v
[75] 97
Dublin o
Alice Hogg xxvjo Martij 1642
Cert fact
26 Octo
93 +