Deposition of Brian Neile
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:22 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 169r
Brian Neile of the Citty of Dublin Esquire sworne & examjned deposeth and saith: That since the begining of the presente rebellion & by meanes therof hee this deponent hath beene expelled from deprived robbed or otherwise dispoyled of at Leicall in the Countie of Downe of Corne cattle horses & other vtensills of husbandry worth Cl li. at Least, & this deponent hath hadd his howses mylnes and townes burned wasted & spoyled by the rebells to his damage of fowre hundreth pownds at Least and hath already Lost alsoe by the Rebellion in the Rents and proffits of his Landes within the County of Downe the sume of ffive hundreth fowrscore and eight powndes xij s. ster. And is Like to be deprived of the future proffits thereof vntill a peace be setled & which afterwards wilbe as he feareth of very small value whereas at the begining of the Rebellion his said Landes were worth five hundreth eighty eight pownds per annum. And this deponent by meanes of the Rebellion hath Lost in debts duly owing vnto him amounting in all to Cl li. part of which <A> one Arthur รด Neile of Clabby in the Countie of ffermanagh now in Rebellion oweth vizt ffifty pownds: And where in the begining of the Rebellion this deponent hadd & held seuerall howses orchards gardens and grownds within the subburs of the Citty of Dublin then worth 50 li. per annum the same are now of Little or noe value att all vnto him he having lost a yeres value thereof already Nor doe they raise him any considerable value or some at all
Bry Neill
Jur 7o Junij 1642 coram
Joh Watson &
John Sterne:
fol. 169v
fol. 170r
fol. 170v
Brian Neill Esquire Jur
viijo Junij 1642
Cert fact
hand Intw
400-12 s.