Deposition of John Dudly
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:35 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 281r
John Dudlylewe Dudly Dudly late of the lower Campartear in the parish of Lismore in the Ba{rony} of in the County of watterford: gardner )a brittis{h} protestant ) being deuely sowrne and Examined by vertue of &c deposeth and saith that on or About shrostide laste & since the begining of this present Rebellion in Ierland hee was Robbed and spoyled of his goods and Chattells to the seuerall vallues ffollowing vizt value of 79 li. 17 s. sterlingOf cowes heiffers yearlings horses and swyne to the vallue of thirty Nyne pounds sixteen shillings Of howshold stufe to the vallue of twelfe pounds sixteen shillings of prouision for the howse to the vallue of six pounds ten shillings: Of Lyning woolen and waring Apparell to the vallue of Eighteen pounds ffiue shillings of Impl oyments ffor howse and Trade to the vallue of tow two pounds ten shillings the totall of his losses Amounts to thre score Nynteen pounds seauenteen shillings ster the deponant ffurther saith that hem selfe his wyfe & two two Cheldren: Jane Dudly & Robart Dudley weare strepted by Captain Butteler his name whose names hee knoweth not hee ffurther saith that ther was tow more English men & protestants a Macon and a smyth whose names hee knoweth not & one Thomas Smith P rice who were att that present also strepted with them by the Afores aide Captain and & his Companey and ffurther hee cannot depose
John [mark] Dudlyes marke
Jurat Coram Nobis
22o June 1642
Tho Badnedge
Hen: Rugge
fol. 281v
The examination of John
Dudley [ ]