Examination of Walter Apas

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=813127r099] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 03:25 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1652-09-15
Identifier: 813127r099


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Kildare
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Assault, Killing, Words
Commissioners: Richard Williamson
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 127r

The Examinacion of Walter Apas taken before me Richard Tighe Esquire Major of Dublin this 15th September 1652
Who being duly Sworne and Examined saith that on or about the 27th Aprill 1642 being Thursday he this Examinant with one Allexander Sherine was <A> goeinge from Miltowne, in the County of Kildar{e} to Castle Michell, and then was at a place Calle{d} Churchstowne, being in the County aforesaid and in th{e} Middway, surprised soddenly by one Hugh Conlan alias Connor and sometymes Caled Hug{h} mc Dauid and seuerall others then in his Comp{any} he the said Hugh Conlan without any offence giue{n} shott then the said Alexander Sherine that he dyed Imediatly and neuer spake, but sayd o God And then the said Hugh Conlan, and a younger brother of his fell vpon this Examinant the said Hugh Comeinge from the said Alexander, after he was kild, said she kill the Rogue & then the said younger brother with them that was in the Company of the said Hugh, Cutt this Examinant ouer the Eye, And wounded him most grieueously, And Cutt him in the head and his Arme, this Examinant then houldinge vp his Arme, for the Defence of <B> his head, the said Hugh Cutt this Examinants right hand of, from his Arme and with the force of the blow Cutt him into his Skull, vpon which this Examinant being mazed fell downe, and then recouering himselfe in some measure heard the said Hugh say vnto his said brother, kill the Rouge, the said Brother then Replide, Let him alone, he hath enoughe, and there they left this Examinant supposeinge him to be dead And further saith not
Walter [mark] Apas
his marke
Taken & Sworne before
me the day & yeare aforesaid
Rd Tighe Maior Dublin

fol. 127v


The examinacion of Capten
Arthure Weldon against
Hugh Connor alias Hugh mc David
And allsoe of walter
Apas in the same sheet

9 1 2

Deponent Fullname: Walter Apas
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent County of Residence: Kildare
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Allexander Sherine, Hugh mc Dauid Conlan
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Victim, Rebel