Deposition of Henery Reinolds

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:21 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1644-01-10
Identifier: 810253r281


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Dublin
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Robbery
Commissioners: Henry Brereton, Henry Jones
Deposition Transcription:

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Henery Reinolds now of the Citty of Dublin Esquire sworne and examined before his Maiesties Commissioners deposeth and saith That
Whereas a Prey of Cowes Oxen Bulls horses & Mares belonging vnto severall of the Inhabitantes of the Cittie of Dublin vizt three hundred ffiftie and Nine Cowes Oxen & Bulls and tweentie Nine horses & Mares as they have given in were taken away from the feilds neere the Subvrbes of Dublin on Monday the 18th of September <A> last after the Cessacion which were taken by Bernard Talbott John Walsh and Brien Birne some of the Roman catholique subiectes who are in Armes &c in this kingdome And whereas Henry Reynolds of Dublin gent He this deponent being as well by the most honorable th e now lord Liuetenant generall of the said kingdome as by the owners of the said Cattle imployed into the Country for regayning the said Prey the said Henry Reynol l s made f aith that he being at And He this deponent repairing to about that occasion to Radrum in the Countie of Wickloe soone after Michaelmus last, there was brought thither at that time, an Order gained by Mr Jefferie Browne from those who presume the name of a supreame Councell at Cashell beareing date the 22th day of the said Moneth of September which order he this Deponent being present, then sawe Bernard Talbott deliver vnto Hugh mc Phelim Birne who assumed the title of Governor of the said Countie of wickloe Who was by the said order required to cause the said order to be put in due execucion, the contentes wherof relacion being had therevnto will appeare by the said order, and the Deponent sawe the said Hugh mc Phelim Birne pervse the said Order & haveing soe done gaue the same backe to the said Talbott, not obeying or observeing the same in any parte to this day, And this Deponent further saith that he perceaveing no obedience or likelyhoode of conformity to the said Order came to Dublin & acquainted the right honourable the lo: Marques of Ormond now Lo: Lievtenant therewith, who writt his letter by this Deponent to those of the contrary partye, who treated with him in the Cessacion, which lettre those that assume the lik e title of the Supreame Councell at Kilkenny tooke into Consideracion and therevpon

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therevpon made made a second order beareing date 21o Octobris 1643, directed vnto Hugh Birne as Governor of the said Countie of <B> Wickloe who & thereby againe required him to cause present restitucion to be made in specie, or satisfaccion, and to punish the transgressors of Cessacion as by a true coppie of the said Order likewise appereth, ffor performance of which second Order an imediate & verball direccions was given to the said Hugh Birne, he being then there present, by the said pretended supreame Councell in the place of assembly in Kilkenny aforesaid, which is yet in noe wise obeyed nor performed, Wherewith this Deponent againe acquainted the said lo: Marques of Ormond, who alsoe writt a second letter to those who treated with him in the Cessacion which letter this Deponent deliuered to the Lo: Viscount Muskrie at Waterford, who carried the same to the said pretended supreame Councell, And they thought fitt to graunt a Comission beareing date the 19th of November directed to Walter Bagnall esquire Coole Toole, Edward Masterson, & Lodowicke Ponton as Comissioners for enquireing out the said Prey, and to cause the same to be deliuered vnto the Deponent which Comission was retornable to the said pretended supreame Councell, by the tweentieth day of December then next following, with which Comission soe graunted, this deponent repaired into the Countie of Wickloe, where part of the prey lay and comeing theither the said Coole Toole being one of the appointed Comissioners for that Countie was gone to Waterford, soe that this Deponent could not speede the said Comission, and haveing some speech, with Bernard Talbott, tould him what trouble he had in the matter and that it had cost him this Deponent 35 li. ster wherevnto the said Talbott made answere, that the supreame Councell, did not putt him this Deponent in the right way and that it would not be worth 35 d. to him, Wherevpon this Deponent came to Dublin, & shewed the said Comission to the said Lord Marques of Ormond, and said that he diligently attended it, in the Cuntry, the third time, But by reason of missing of the Comissioners the date of that Comission was well nigh expired, for renewinge whereof this Deponent repaired to Kilkenny and had the same renewed by the said pretended supreame councell there dated 26th of January and retornable 10o Martij directed to the same, and other Commissioners and importeing the same matter, But being credibly informed by

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by William Gough of the Countie of Wickloe esquire That there were soldiers appointed & in Ambuschades layd to take away the deponentes life, hee durst not travell about it, but came home to Dublin the securest way he could imagine And this Deponent further saith, that vppon the way goeing to Kilkenny he had been Murthered, as he conceaveth by a plott of some of the contrary party, had not one Mr Cusacke a gentleman of good esteeme (amongst them) faithfully preserved this deponent from their intents, and by all fayre meanes that might be diswaded them from the Acte, as this Deponent is very credibly informed, by all which meanes the said Comission is rendred fruitles In negotiating of which imployment this Deponent expended much money from the 22th of the said Moneth of September till the 14th or 15th of ffebruary last past
<Dr J: H B>
He: Reynolds
Jur 10o Jan: 1643
Hen: Jones
Hen: Brereton


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Mr Henry Reynoldes Jur
xo Jan 1643


Deponent Fullname: Henery Reinolds
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Esquire
Deponent County of Residence: Dublin
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Hugh mc Phelim Birne, John Walsh, Brien Birne, Bernard Talbott, Walter Bagnall, Coole Toole, Edward Masterson, Lodowicke Ponton, Jefferie Browne, Viscount Muskrie, Marques of Ormond, William Gough, Mr Cusacke
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Confederate, Confederate, Mentioned, Witness, Succour