Deposition of George Cooke
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 06:13 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 34r
<symbol> George Cooke Late of Beakestowne in { } In the barony of Eliagety and within in the C{ } gent duly sworne and examined by vertu{e } saith That on or aboute the 7th day of { } the begining and by meanes of this presente reb{ellion} hee lost was robbed and forceably dispoyled { } Chattells to the seuerall valewes folowing { } value of 1007 li. 16 s. Part consisting of a debt owing to { } Of Cowes horses mares and sheepe to the valew of ffower { } Sixty pounds In householde goods worth thirty pounds of { } and grownde worth fforty pounds in hay worth tenn pound{s } provision worth fforty pounds In reddy moneyes thirty { } ffiue and { } deponent saith that there was certeyne debts due fro{ } of Knocktorack in the Queens County gent the su me { } and from Perce Power of T hurles in the County of Tipp{ erary } of six pounds sixteene shillings the afforesaid John C{ } and an English man is vtterly Impouerish by meanes of this { } other debts due from P Perce Power an Irish man is in actuall rebellion { } deponent is noe hope of getting satisfaction this deponen{ t } hee lost diuerse Armes to the valewes of six pounds This de{ ponent } saith that hee was expelled and driuen away from hi{s } house In Beakestowne afforesaide worth Three hundred pounds The totall of his losses were One thousand a{ nd seven } pounds Sixteene shillings This deponent he further s{ } goods were taken away by on Theobald Pursall of alias { } may [ ] James Pursall sonn and heire of the afforesaide { } <A> Commerforde of holy crosse gent Edmund Power of Thur{ }mas Stapleton of ffartayne in the parish of Holycrosse { } ffarny bridg gent James Butler of Cabragh in the saide { } James Pursall brother to the saide Theobald gent Thom{as Pursall} brother to the saide Theobalde gent Paule Carny of { } morris Carny of Holycrosse gent John P{ } delany of Loghmoore gen{ } sall his sonn of { } of C{ }
fol. 34v
{ } barony of Eliagety afforesaid Esquire and walter Butler ffitzJohn of Cl{ } the barony afforesaide gent, This deponent He further {saith } the seige of his Castle in Cash Beakestowne afforesaide hee wa{s }ly tolde by the soldiers of the afforesaide Barrony Loghmoe { } one Philipe ô Duyer and ony ô Duyer of Clonehorteboge { } the rest of there Army ate the entry of the Citty of Cash{ell } murder diuerse persons vizt by name one Beane an Inkeeper in {C}ashall and all his family Alsoe one Mr Banister A minister { } likewise stripped naked and was commanded to runn for h{ } whoe as hee rann they cast a number of darts and killed att him and aft{ } him to A dunghill and left him there vntill the Crow{ }d out his eyes Likewise one Mr Dauerson a minister his wife { } thrust through with pickes (shee beeing greate with childe) vn{ } child putt forth it arme oute of hir boddy likewise one M{ }r A gent hath his hand wase cutt off and after his head and allsoe { } Thomas A sadler was slayne and diuerse others whose {nam}es this deponent knowes not and further deposeth not
Georg Cook
{cora}m nobis 23o die octobr
Jam: Wallis Hen: Rugge
Thomas Ellwell