Deposition of Thomas Wood & Raph Meires

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:18 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1644-01-08
Identifier: 810273r298


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Dublin
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Assault, Captivity, Robbery, Words
Commissioners: Edward Piggott, Henry Jones
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 273r

Thomas Wood of Rathfarnam in the Countie of dublin gen tleman Taylor & Raph Meires of the same yeoman wheelewright sworne and examined before his Maiesties Commissioners in that behalf authorized depose and say That since the present Cessation of Armes was agreed on in this Kingdome vizt the 18th daie of September 1643 in the foorenoone divers of the <A> Irish Rebells vizt Captain Barnard Talbott Captain John Welsh & one Captain Birne with a troope of horse and about 2 companies of foote (all Rebells) secretly and suddenly Marching by Rathfarnam towardes the Citty of Dublin: & being armed for their purposee in that their Martch at nere by th rough Rathfarnam aforesaid suddenly surprised and sett vpon theis deponentes & vpon Tho: Wood sonn of this deponent Tho Wood [ ] first named and then and there did beat stryke and carry them away prisoners with them: And haveing taken a great number of Cattle and horses nere Dublin they tooke then and there alsoe tooke from him this deponent Thomas Wood the father 2 horses and other things worth 5 li. and from the other deponent Raph Meyres they then and there tooke a horses and other thinges worth 4 li. 7 s. and though the deponents tould them that a Cessation of Armes was before that tyme agreed on yet the Rebells then & carryed theis deponentes and their horses & the said Tho: Wood the sonn along to Powerscourt in the County of Wickloe and with cordes pynyoned and fast bound theire Armes together behynd them: And after they had them prisoners at Powerscourt they often tyed roapes about their necks & vowed and threatend to hang them: yet about the next daies after they theis deponentes & the said Tho: Wood the sonn with much difficultie gott from the Rebells: yet could neuer gett restitucion of their horses & goodes but the Rebells irish still keepe them and a great number of the goodes of others taken from about Dublin & would neuer yet restore them notwithstanding the Articles for Cessation of Armes & the Comandes or direccion which (as the deponentes haue heard and beleeve) those Rebells Rebellious Irish hadd as well from the most honourable Marquesse of Ormond the lord livetenant generall of Ir e land, as from their owne Counsell at Kilkenny, to restore the same And this <T: Wood 57 li.> deponent Tho: Wood hath formerly by meanes of this Rebellion been deprivd & dispojled of other goodes & chattells worth 52 li. And the deponent Raph Meyres alsoe by meanes of the Rebellion lost other goodes worth 14 s.
Jur 8 Jan: 1643
Hen: Jones
Edw Pigott

fol. 273v

Tho: Wood & Raph Meyres
Jur viijo Jan 1643


Deponent Fullname: Thomas the father Wood, Raph the father Meires
Deponent Gender: Male, Male
Deponent Occupation: Tailor, Wheelwright
Deponent County of Residence: Dublin,
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Barnard Talbott, John Welsh, Captain Birne, Tho: the sonn Wood, Marquesse of Ormond
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Victim, Mentioned