Deposition of John Cranwell
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:18 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 274r
John Cranwell of the Citty of dublin gent alsoe sworne and examined saith & deposeth That the 18th day of September 1643 (which was since the present Cessation of Armes was agreed on) Captain Barnard Talbott Captain Welsh and Captaine Birne and divers of the irish horsmen and foote forceibly seized on tooke and carried away (amongst a great number of the
fol. 274v
the deponentes neighbours goodes) fowre of his this Deponentes Cowes worth xv li. ster, and instantly or as fast as they could drive them away into the County of Wickloe from whence the said Captain Talbott sent back about 48 beastes cattle, which the day aforesaid he had taken away, & which were worse then the rest, and amongs{t} them th there was sent back one of this deponentes Cowes worth about 30 s. But the other 3 Cowes worth 13 li. 10 s. are still deteined from him by the irish (notwithstanding the said Cessatio{n} of Armes And further saith That he this deponent by meanes of the present Rebellion hath lost and bin further dampnified in his estate & meanes, the some of 100 li. more Besides his future yerely losse of the benefite of his howses which when the Rebellion began were worth 21 li. per annum: which he is sure to be deprived of vntill a peace bee established
John Cranwell
Jur viijo Jan: 1643
Hen: Jones
Edw Pigott
Tho: Thatcher Nicholas
Keaven & John Cranwell
Jur viijo Jan 1643