Examination of Barnaby Kelly
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=813167r121] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:59 PM
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fol. 167r
The Examination of barnaby kelly of ballina in the County of killdare gent: taken beefore mee, the 2d of ffebr: 1652
who beeinge duely sworne vpon the holy Euangelist and examined saith, that hee seuerall times did use to wayte on the lady bourke att Mylerstowne, who informed this Examinate, that shee had procured Mr donogh Connor of Castletowne in the kinges County, to beecome her tennant att Mylerstowne aforesaid, and to see right done in that parte of the Countrey, and that hee was to repayre thither, (ther to inhabitt) att May followinge (beeinge May last that sometime beefore the said May, this Examinate inquiringe of some passenger some newes Concerninge the said Donogh Connor, and what the reason was that hee repayred not vnto Mylerstowne as was expected, was answered, that hee was in some trouble with the Irish officers in the Kinges County, about the murther of one Connogher merginn, who was killed in the said donogh Connor his towne, by one John Connor, brother vnto the said donogh, the said Connoghor (as this Examinate was informed) hauinge had some neere relation vnto Collonell ffitspatricke, or some of his Captaynes. That hee neuer heard that the said Donogh furnished his said brother with money into Spayne, butt from such as related it, from the lady bourke, and further deposeth not.
sworne beefore mee the day and
yeere abouewritten
Jo: Hoey:
fol. 167v
The Ex of
Barnaby Kelly
Donnogh Conner for
the murther of
Conogher Mergin
speakes to John Connors killing
nothing to Donogh, saving
it was done in his towne.